About Project
Research.uaposition.com is created to observe information about Ukraine in the world think tansk and research institutes. As our website works on the language basis, so it is oriented only on English-language media, regardless of their origin.
Publishing the news excerpts is made according to the terms and conditions.
We don’t use content in research.uaposition.com to make any profit or in commercial use. We guarantee not to display advertisement or commercial information on the pages with source’s content and in research.uaposition.com at all.
Some of the well-known media can be not represented because we use only their RSS feeds, in which they distribute those materials that are considered necessary. If the publication has no RSS for third-party aggregators/ users, it will not be represented in this category. We don’t copy, aggregate or make parsing of the information from websites of any media.
When processing and sorting data, we used the following principles:
All information in research.uaposition.com are the excerpts from materials, which contain references to Ukraine or Ukrainian people or relate to them directly. Still, the research.uaposition.com can get not relevant information, where mention of Ukraine is quite random and not subject material. If you notice it we will be grateful if you inform us on support@uaposition.com
When referring source to a country (region), we are guided not by accommodation of the audience but the country where the headquarter is. (Yes, we know it’s not ideal, but in the context of globalization we believe that the policy of editorial headquarters plays a key role).
We tried to show the widest range of world think tansk and research institutes, even if the specific source publish information about Ukraine very rare. Lack of information about Ukraine – is also information that allows us to estimate the level of awareness and interest in the inhabitants of a region in the information about Ukraine or editorial policy of the publication.
Keep in mind that the source of English-speaking countries (USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc) is aimed to local audiences, English-language source in other countries – the international audience.
Total number of publications of each source may depend not only on the intensity of publications about Ukraine, but also from the time of connection of the media to the research.uaposition.com.
If you have proposal in this or other categories – write to support@uaposition.com