Researches about Ukraine

America and Russia: Towards a New Partnership?

Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies

by Jiri Valenta with Leni Friedman Valenta
BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 380
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A pragmatist like Reagan, President Trump will face three urgent foreign policy issues: renegotiating the Iran nuclear deal with a US-Israel military option and Russia’s acquiescence; resolving the human catastrophe in Syria in partnership with President Putin; and a Great Bargain with Putin on the Ukraine. At home, Trump’s challenge will be to bridge bitter political and racial divides. Establishing bipartisan commissions on the Middle East and Russia might help. So would the appointment of the non-partisan General David Petraeus as Secretary of State.
In the run-up to …read more

Source: Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies

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