Tuesday, 18 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Russian-Chinese Cooperation Is Not As Temporary As You Think

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, photo via Office of the President of RussiaBESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,308, October 10, 2019
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Many believe the Russian-Chinese partnership, which functions across a variety of economic and political spheres, is only temporary. But Moscow’s disenchantment with the West, and the redirection of its foreign policy toward Beijing and beyond, is rooted in Russian historical thinking. The disagreement between Russia and the West is a full-scale geopolitical separation.
The most popular topic in modern geopolitics these days is probably the budding relationship between Russia and China. Articles on the subject are produced regularly, almost …read more

Source:: Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies


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