Monday, 17 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

How the West should punish Putin

Over the Christmas week, CapX is republishing its favourite pieces from the past year. You can find the full list here.
As NATO scrambles to beef up its defences in the frontline states and Western diplomacy is humiliated in Syria, the New Cold War is no longer a fanciful book title. It is fact.
As the author of that book — much-criticised when first published in 2008 — I am glad, if alarmed, that my warnings about Russia’s revanchist and repressive policies have been vindicated. Yet one of its central messages has been missed. Russia is not the Soviet Union, and this …read more

Source: CapX

Researches about Ukraine

This website is created to observe information about Ukraine in the world think tansk and research institutes.
More information about project you can read here

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