Sunday, 12 January 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

There Is a Move Towards Change in Ukraine

Within the last three years the Ukrainian government has introduced more reforms than all the governments of the previous 15 years, says Satu Kahkonen, country director for Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine at the World Bank. She spoke to Andrew Wrobel about the business climate in Ukraine and the impact of the conflict in the east of the country.
The World Bank has been helping Ukraine for over two decades. What is your involvement in the country like now?
In Ukraine, the World Bank is one of the major development partners. Since May 2014, we have provided more than $4.4 billion in …read more

Source: Emerging Europe

Researches about Ukraine

This website is created to observe information about Ukraine in the world think tansk and research institutes.
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