Researches about Ukraine

A hole in the budget increasing at a rate of half a trillion rubles a month.

Georgia Caucasus- Strategic-Studies Institute

“… Which is better: an endless horror or horror without end?” – /Russian folk joke/.
The federal budget deficit by the end of April amounted to 8.6% of GDP, according to Russia’s Finance Ministry on Thursday.
With revenues of 996.6 billion rubles, the government spent 1.591 trillion rubles.
In other words, every third ruble of expenses (37%) was not provided by tax revenues, as well as a month ago.
To finance the gap had by debt (96 billion rubles), the sale of land (1.36 billion rubles), gemstones (at 744.9 million rubles), and – mainly – due to the new portion of the …read more

Source: Georgia Caucasus Strategic Studies Institute

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