Researches about Ukraine

Journalist explained why Putin, when attacked Ukraine, repeated the Stalin’s mistake.

Georgia Caucasus- Strategic-Studies Institute

/ Timebomb have been placed under the empire / – GCSSI.
… Russian Federation haven’t future, because it is in its essence – the geopolitical and geoeconomical mutated residue of the Russian Empire.
Putin, annexing the Crimea, Russia doomed to collapse, as once Stalin, taking the Baltic states, condemned the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Kremlin acts against Ukraine as in 1989-1991, he acted against the Baltic States. And this similarity is encouraging. Because he – an optimistic ending.
In his blog on the website of “Spectrum” journalist Vitaly Portnikov writes that Russian President Vladimir Putin, having decided on the annexation of …read more

Source: Georgia Caucasus Strategic Studies Institute

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