Researches about Ukraine

Polish generals saw in the Ukrainian army, “fifth column”, “Poroshenko should spend personal reform in the armed forces”.

Georgia Caucasus- Strategic-Studies Institute

“It’s very alarming signals, if it be connected with the strong influence of the Russian special services in the staff structure”
To improve the situation in the Ukrainian army to get rid of all the pro-Russian officers, as well as return to the leadership of the army officers who previously gained experience of international operations, for example, in Iraq.
This was the TV channel said tvn24 Polish retired generals and Marek Waldemar Skshipchak Dukaczewski transmits Tsenzor.NET referring to Ukrinform.
“If the President Poroshenko thinks about the reform of the army, it must conduct a personal reform in the army. He must get rid …read more

Source: Georgia Caucasus Strategic Studies Institute

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