Thursday, 9 January 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

“A coalition is not a love match” – Interview with Ralf Fücks

Are the Greens compatible with Angela Merkel? An interview with Ralf Fücks, president of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, on coalitions with Merkel, the rise of the AfD, as well as the foundation’s development over the past 20 years.
Green European Journal: There are more and more liberal and left-leaning people in Germany (even among Green voters) who say they are contemplating casting a vote for the conservative CDU (Christian Democratic Union of Germany). Why is Chancellor Angela Merkel, the party’s leader, so popular in these circles?
Ralf Fücks: Ever since the Chancellor decided to open the borders for the refugees stuck in …read more

Source: Heinrich Boell Foundation

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