Friday, 14 March 2025
    10: 41:10in Kyiv (EET)

A Farewell to Ralf Fücks, President of the Heinrich Böll Foundation by Cem Özdemir

Ladies and gentlemen!Dear Ralf!
According to the dictionary, a thought leader is “a forward-looking person, able to identify certain trends and developments and to influence or promote them by virtue of his or her own ideas.” According to this definition, there are probably quite a few people who regard themselves as thought leaders, including some of those present here.
Whether this is really the case, I will or cannot say, as I was invited to talk about Ralf Fücks … and as far as he is concerned, the verdict is simple: Ralf Fücks is indeed a forward-looking person, someone able to identify …read more

Source: Heinrich Boell Foundation

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