: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Human Rights Watch (USA)

      Ukraine: Fragile Ceasefire

      Hostilities Down, but Civilians Remain at Risk(Berlin) – The armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine is taking a terrible toll on civilians, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2016. The September 2015 ceasefire has significantly reduced hostilities, during which violations of international humanitarian law had led to serious civilian...

      Украина хвалит Россию за соблюдение прав человека?

      Миграционные власти Украины, оказывается, считают Россию страной безопасной и демократической. С учетом того, как по нынешним временам развиваются отношения между Киевом и Москвой, это утверждение звучит по меньшей мере странно – особенно для тех, кто внимательно следит за происходящим в России. Expand …read more Source: Human Rights...


      Language English School Number 3 in Krasnohorivka, eastern Ukraine. Alt Text School Number 3 in Krasnohorivka, eastern Ukraine. © Bede Sheppard, Human Rights Watch Copyright © Bede Sheppard, Human Rights Watch Region / Country Ukraine …read more Source: Human Rights...

      Alexey Vetrov

      Language English Alexey Vetrov during a protest in Nizhny Novgorod, November 2012. Alt Text Alexey Vetrov during a protest in Nizhny Novgorod, November 2012 Copyright © A. Tzverov Region / Country Europe/Central Asia Russia Ukraine Topic Free Speech …read more Source: Human Rights...

      Dispatches: Ukraine Praising Russia’s Rights Record?

      Ukraine’s migration authorities apparently believe Russia is a safe and democratic country – which does not only sound odd in the current political context of the relationship between Kyiv and Moscow but will also greatly surprise those who have been following events inside Russia Expand …read more Source: Human Rights...

      Cluster Munitions: A Year of Contradictions

      Growing Support for Ban Despite New Use in Syria, Yemen Expand Remnants of Uragan cluster munition rockets collected by rebel fighters after attacks on Starobesheve on February 6 and 7. …read more Source: Human Rights...

      Кассетные боеприпасы: неоднозначные итоги года

      Растущая поддержка Конвенции на фоне использования кассетного оружия в Сирии и Йемене Expand Remnants of Uragan cluster munition rockets collected by rebel fighters after attacks on Starobesheve on February 6 and 7. …read more Source: Human Rights...

      الذخائر العنقودية في عام من التناقضات

      دعم متزايد لحظرها رغم استعمالها مؤخرا في سوريا واليمن Expand بقايا صواريخ تحمل قنابل عنقودية من طراز أوراغان جمعها متمردون إثر هجمات على ستاروبيشيفي، أوكرانيا يوميّ 6 و7 فبراير/شباط …read more Source: Human Rights...

      Dispatches: The Crime of Speaking Up in Russia

      A left-wing political activist has been convicted of inciting separatism and extremist activities, the latest in a series of criminal prosecutions in Russia against people who dare speak their minds online. Unless the December 21 ruling by a court in Krasnodar in southern Russia is quashed on appeal, the accused, Darya Polyudova, 26, will spend...


      Language Arabic بقايا صواريخ تحمل قنابل عنقودية من طراز أوراغان جمعها متمردون إثر هجمات على ستاروبيشيفي، أوكرانيا يوميّ 6 و7 فبراير/شباط Alt Text بقايا صواريخ تحمل قنابل عنقودية من طراز أوراغان جمعها متمردون إثر هجمات على ستاروبيشيفي، أوكرانيا يوميّ 6 و7 فبراير/شباط Copyright © 2015 هيومن رايتس ووتش Region / Country Ukraine Topic Arms Cluster...