A storm system is gathering off the coast of Maryland and is set to make landfall on January 20. Those of a more optimistic bent predict that the storm, puffed up by hot air, will dissipate considerably when it hits the shore. The rest of us are in full disaster preparation mode.
Past experience, after all, suggests that Hurricane Donald will wreak “catastrophic damage.”
Trump 2.0 will certainly destroy hundreds of thousands of lives in immigrant communities. Along with his promised tariffs, the deportations will cut a destructive path right through the U.S. economy. But while President Trump‘s policies on border security, the economy, and democratic practice are worrisome to be sure, they will affect mostly the United States or, with their global consequences, have a half-life of only four years or so.
Trump’s environmental moves, on the other hand, threaten the entire planet and the future of life on it.
Sacking the Government
When the Vandals stormed the gates of Rome in 455, they delighted in stealing all the fruits of a civilization that had accumulated wealth and power over many centuries. They stripped Rome of its gold, its silver, even its furniture. Those actions live on in the word “vandalism.”
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Source:: Institute for Policy Studies