Researches about Ukraine

Comrade Moneybags: How Much is Putin Worth?

Kleptocracy Initiative

By Peter PodkopaevDecember 16, 2016
What we know:
“American officials have concluded that Putin’s network controls some $85 billion worth of assets, officials told NBC News.” (2016)
“Adam Szubin, who oversees US Treasury sanctions, has told BBC Panorama that the Russian president is corrupt and that the US government has known this for ‘many, many years.’” (2016)
“Putin could be worth as much as $70bn, a figure that would make him the richest man in the world.” (Stanislav Belkovsky, 2012)
“Mr. Belkovsky alleged that Mr. Putin had acquired $40 billion during his eight years in power, through a network of front-men.” (2007)
How much is …read more

Source: Kleptocracy Initiative

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