Researches about Ukraine

Kleptocracy Daily: January 31, 2017

Kleptocracy Initiative

Office Space: Who Really Owns Real Estate Leased by the U.S. Government?: Natalie Duffy highlights a new report which found it impossible to identify the true owners of one third of the government’s “high security” leases – because of anonymous companies.

Deutsche Bank was fined $630 million for its role in the $10 billion Russian “mirror trading” scheme. (BBC)
Congress will this week vote to repeal a law requiring U.S. extractives firms to report payments made to foreign governments, in a move roundly condemnedby anti-corruption groups. (Bloomberg, KI, FACT, GW, PWYP)
The Council of Europe will investigate whether Azerbaijan bribed members to influence …read more

Source: Kleptocracy Initiative

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