Researches about Ukraine

Kleptocracy Daily: June 28, 2017

Kleptocracy Initiative

July 18: KI and the Partnership for Transparency’s Anti-Corruption Forum will host a discussion on U.S. government approaches to kleptocracy and money laundering, including investigations, prosecutions, compliance, and possible legislation. More information and registration here.
Global Financial Integrity’ Legal Counsel and Director of Government Affairs will testify before the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit during a public hearing entitled “Examining the BSA/AML Regulatory Compliance Regime” today. [The BSA governs anti-money laundering for financial institutions in the United States.]
A consulting firm led by Paul Manafort, who chaired Trump’s presidential campaign for several months last year, retroactively filed …read more

Source: Kleptocracy Initiative

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