Researches about Ukraine

Kleptocracy Weekly: June 16, 2017

Kleptocracy Initiative

On Wednesday, KI launched Weaponizing Kleptocracy: Putin’s Hybrid Warfare by Marius Laurinavicius at Hudson Institute. Watch the event and read the report.
United States
Senators passed a major new Russia sanctions bill. Germany threatened retaliation if the measures harm its commercial interests. (Atlantic Council, Reuters)
Rep. Tom Suozzi proposed a special State Department office to counter illicit Russian finance, saying that Americans must unite to face the threat of Putin’s kleptocracy. (The Hill)
The U.S. Department of Justice is moving to seize $540 million assets allegedly purchased using funds stolen from the Malaysian 1MDB scheme. (NYT)
Casey Michel interviews Prof. Susan Hamill about the origins …read more

Source: Kleptocracy Initiative

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