Researches about Ukraine

Media freedom situation in Crimea, Ukraine, at all-time low, OSCE Representative says


VIENNA, 5 March 2015 – One year on after her assessment visit to Ukraine, which included Simferopol, Crimea, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today said the media freedom situation in Crimea has continued to deteriorate. “The continuous dismantling of free media in Crimea and the crackdown on independent and critical voices is deeply disturbing and worrying”, Mijatović said. “Truth is the first casualty in times of crisis and this certainly applies for Crimea. I call on those responsible to stop media censorship and to ensure journalists’ safety”, Mijatović said. Mijatović visited Simferopol on 5 March 2014 …read more

Source: OSCE

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