: :inin Kyiv (EET)

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission’s Principal Deputy Chief Monitor to brief media tomorrow via videolink from Donetsk region

KYIV, 26 May 2016 – Alexander Hug, the Principal Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), will hold a special news briefing tomorrow via video link from Donetsk region.
Hug will talk about the recent Mission’s activities and the general security situation throughout Ukraine.
Journalists are invited to attend the news briefing tomorrow, 27 May, at 13:00 (Kyiv time), at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre, at 2 Khreshchatyk street, Ukrainian House.
Live online streaming of the news briefing will be available at http://uacrisis.org/ru/stream/#engRelated StoriesOSCE’s Principal Deputy Chief Monitor in Ukraine to open new Forward Patrol Base tomorrow in …read more

Source: OSCE

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