Researches about Ukraine

Expert discussion “Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the context of domestic processes in Russia and Ukraine”

Razumkov centre

On June 9, 2016 the Razumkov Centre, with support of the US Embassy in Ukraine, held an expert discussion titled “Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the context of domestic processes in Russia and Ukraine”. The discussion was opened by Professor Alexander Motyl, a prominent Ukrainian-American historian and political scientist from Rutgers University.
Among the participants of the discussion were experts of the Razumkov Centre Oleksiy Melnyk, Mykola Sunhurovskyi, Viktor Zamiatin, as well as the representatives of a number of leading research institutions, namely M. Rozumnyi, M. Honchar, V. Fesenko, V. Martynyuk and O. Belokolos. …read more

Source: Razumkov Centre

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