: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (USA)

      5 questions every presidential candidate should answer: Vladimir Putin’s regime edition

      5 questions every presidential candidate should answer: Vladimir Putin’s regime edition

      Russia’s President Vladimir Putin gestures at a news conference after the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Ufa, Russia, July 10, 2015. REUTERS/Sergei KarpukhinPresident Obama called Russia a “regional power” with the obvious implication that the US should not worry about it too much. He has praised Russia for its “help” in...

      5 questions every presidential candidate should answer: Europe edition

      5 questions every presidential candidate should answer: Europe edition

      Twenty-five years since the fall of communism, the idea of “Europe whole and free” is under attack. The continent is threatened by the aggressive posture of Vladimir Putin’s regime but also by centrifugal forces in the European Union, particularly in Greece and in the United Kingdom.Shutterstock.comThe coming years will test viability of...

      Evaluating President Obama’s statements on the nuclear deal

      Evaluating President Obama’s statements on the nuclear deal

      President Obama’s statements are in bold.Because of this deal, Iran will remove two-thirds of its installed centrifugesThis statement is not really accurate. Something like that proportion of installed centrifuges will be “uninstalled,” but they will still be extant in Iran, monitored by the IAEA. So “removed” is rather stronger than is...

      In Iran, a picture’s worth 1,000 words

      In Iran, a picture’s worth 1,000 words

      So what does Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei think about the idea of peace and reconciliation that a new nuclear deal might herald, if senior regime officials like Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani are to be believed?Not much, if this photo just posted on his website is to be believed. The caption reads, “The Zionist Regime is Condemned to Vanish.”It...

      Pursuing strategic advantage: The utility of armed forces in peace, war, and everything in between

      Pursuing strategic advantage: The utility of armed forces in peace, war, and everything in between

      Key Points As they face increasingly sophisticated unconventional warfare from today’s enemies, America’s national security leaders would benefit from a historical understanding of the line between war and peace.The enduring presence of the armed forces in a region enhances socioeconomic and situational awareness, assures partners,...

      Greece’s clash with reality

      Greece’s clash with reality

      Groucho Marx used to say that he was not crazy about reality, but that it was still the only place to get a decent meal. The sooner the Greeks and their political elites return to reality and abandon the fantasy of a radically better deal with the Troika that would somehow exonerate them of the need to pursue deep economic reforms, the better for...

      Remarks by Thomas Donnelly: Sustaining American security, freedom, and prosperity will require a greater assertion of geopolitical leadership and military power

      Remarks by Thomas Donnelly: Sustaining American security, freedom, and prosperity will require a greater assertion of geopolitical leadership and military power

      Read the PDF. “Governments are instituted among men,” our Founders declared two and a half centuries ago, to secure the rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”—that is, to ensure public safety and security, defend political freedom, and foster economic prosperity. Today Americans enjoy a level of security, liberty, and prosperity...

      Ukraine must reform to free itself from dependence on Russian gas

      Ukraine must reform to free itself from dependence on Russian gas

      Germany – and its chancellor Angela Merkel – deserve credit for the continuation of the EU’s sanctions regime against Russia. But Germany happens also to be home to the energy giant E.ON, which recently signed a (non-binding) memorandum, together with Russia’s Gazprom, Austria’s OMV, and Shell from the UK and the Netherlands,...

      The agony of Greece and the crisis of the ‘European project’

      The agony of Greece and the crisis of the ‘European project’

      With only days until Greece must make a critical loan repayment to the International Monetary Fund, Athens’ financial options are dwindling rapidly.On Monday, Eurozone leaders held yet another emergency summit to avoid Greek defaults to the IMF and the European Central Bank.The rhetoric was guardedly optimistic, but concrete progress was...

      Another underwhelming effort to deter Putin

      Another underwhelming effort to deter Putin

      Even when the Obama administration wants to appear like it cares about reassuring allies in Russia’s neighborhood, it can’t quite pull it off. Yesterday’s announcement that the Carter Pentagon will place military ground equipment in six Eastern European countries is, one supposes, better than not doing anything but not by...