: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Atlantic Council (USA)

      Here’s Why Moscow Doesn’t Want the Donbas but Continues to Meddle There Anyway

      Here’s Why Moscow Doesn’t Want the Donbas but Continues to Meddle There Anyway

      The war in the Donbas is imposing large costs on Ukraine. According to Ukraine’s leading investment bank Dragon Capital, in October 2014 the occupied territories in the Donbas accounted for 2.6 percent of Ukraine’s territory, 7.3 percent of the population, 10 percent of GDP, and 15 percent of industrial production. This output has...

      Here’s One Practical Way to Save Ukraine

      Here’s One Practical Way to Save Ukraine

      Stimulating Ukraine’s economy is a key goal of the reforms that are underway in Kyiv. Ukraine’s Association Agreement with the European Union (EU) should enable better economic management and freer trade. But there’s an important precondition for growth: investor confidence. Domestic businessmen and foreign investors must feel...

      The Muddled Thinking at the G-7 Only Encourages Putin

      The Muddled Thinking at the G-7 Only Encourages Putin

      Leaders at the recent G-7 summit reaffirmed their commitment to keeping sanctions on Russia in place. They also agreed that sanctions will likely be extended until 2016 because Russia has failed to implement the Minsk II ceasefire agreement. But the summit ended on a disappointing note: The summit communiqué and all the G-7 leaders indicated that...

      Corruption, not Russian Tanks, Greatest Threat to Success of Ukraine

      Corruption, not Russian Tanks, Greatest Threat to Success of Ukraine

      Corruption threatens to derail Ukraine’s progress, American and Ukrainians officials agreed at the Atlantic Council’s Wrocław Global Forum in Wrocław, Poland on June 13. “There is no issue that is a greater threat to Ukraine’s long-term success today than institutionalized corruption,” said Geoffrey R. Pyatt, US...

      Poland’s Sikorski Urges Tougher NATO Stance Against Russia

      Poland’s Sikorski Urges Tougher NATO Stance Against Russia

      Two days after resigning as the Speaker of Poland’s Parliament following an eavesdropping scandal, veteran Polish politician Radosław Sikorski said his country and the United States must jointly stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s provocations in Ukraine. Speaking June 12 at the Atlantic Council’s Wrocław Global Forum...

      Hadley: Ukraine Faces ‘Enormous Existential Challenge’

      Hadley: Ukraine Faces ‘Enormous Existential Challenge’

      The United States and its European allies must dramatically step up efforts to help the Ukrainian people defend themselves from Russian President Vladimir Putin and his proxies in eastern Ukraine, said Stephen J. Hadley, who served as National Security Adviser under US President George W. Bush.Hadley, speaking June 13 at the Atlantic...

      Top US General in Europe says NATO Alliance is Strong

      Top US General in Europe says NATO Alliance is Strong

      Nine months after NATO’s summit in Wales, and with less than a year to go before NATO’s next gathering in Warsaw, the Pentagon’s highest-ranking officer in Europe says the 28-member alliance stands ready to confront any threats it may face. Lt. Gen. Frederick “Ben” Hodges, Commanding General of the US Army Europe, labeled...

      With World Focused on Ukraine, Russia Makes Moves on Georgia

      With World Focused on Ukraine, Russia Makes Moves on Georgia

      Georgian official draws parallels between Putin’s treaties with breakaway provinces and annexation of Crimea While the world focuses its attention on the Ukraine crisis, Russia has been quietly grabbing territory from another neighbor—Georgia. The Kremlin’s aggression against Ukraine is just the latest provocation by Russia in its...

      Polish Leaders Urge Solidarity for Ukraine

      Polish Leaders Urge Solidarity for Ukraine

      Officials stress they don’t seek confrontation with Russia Top Polish officials June 12 exhorted the transatlantic community to show solidarity with countries bearing the brunt of Russia’s aggression, but stressed that they do not seek a confrontation with Moscow. “The European response to the situation in the east can be driven as...

      Russia’s Buildup Along Ukraine’s Border Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does

      Russia’s Buildup Along Ukraine’s Border Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does

      Much has been made about the tactics and military doctrine driving Russian operations in eastern Ukraine. Some analysts see Russia following a hybrid war strategy, while others contend that the Kremlin is simply trying to “catch up conceptually to the realities of modern war.” One thing is clear: Russia is manipulating eastern Ukraine...