: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Atlantic Council (USA)

      In the war for Ukraine’s Donbas, the Ordeal of a Frontline Town

      In the war for Ukraine’s Donbas, the Ordeal of a Frontline Town

      Far From Kyiv and Next to Donetsk, the Elderly of Pisky Get Daily Shelling, But No PensionsBefore this year’s war in southeast Ukraine, the town of Pisky, at the edge of the city of Donetsk, was home to about 3,000 people. Many were academics who worked at the local Donetsk Institute of Agricultural Production. Now, Pisky is a debris-strewn...

      As US and Europe Press Ukraine to Reform, They Also Must Help Save It from Default

      As US and Europe Press Ukraine to Reform, They Also Must Help Save It from Default

      The Ukrainian Project to Keep Europe Whole and Free Needs Adequate Financing—and Quickly Ukraine’s new government has unleashed a “tiger team” of ministers committed to quick and comprehensive reforms—but as that work begins, the costs of war and recession have pushed Ukraine to the edge of default. Ukraine has begun to take steps to slash...

      Putin Leaves All Options Open on Economic Crisis and Ukraine War

      Putin Leaves All Options Open on Economic Crisis and Ukraine War

      Pascual: With Russia’s Economic Downturn, West Should Probe Chances of a Merkel-Brokered Deal In his annual press conference this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin offered no clear suggestion for how he proposes to dig Russia out of its deepening economic hole. And he signaled no new direction in government’s sponsorship of the...

      Measuring Ukraine’s War on Corruption: Key Signs to Watch in Early 2015

      Measuring Ukraine’s War on Corruption: Key Signs to Watch in Early 2015

      As Ukraine’s new government has taken office and vows to clean up endemic corruption—publicly perceived as Europe’s worst, according to Transparency International—here are some leading indicators of its progress, as suggested by the Atlantic Council’s Kyiv-based senior fellow, Brian Mefford. You can find his full essay on this...

      Ruble’s Collapse Will Force Putin to Move. But Which Way?

      Ruble’s Collapse Will Force Putin to Move. But Which Way?

      Russia’s Choice, Between Market Reforms and State Controls, May Open or Shut Doors to Détente Over Ukraine The Russian ruble’s stunning collapse this week may lead President Vladimir Putin to order changes at the country’s central bank and in his cabinet. As he does, will he tilt his government toward Russia’s...

      Ukraine’s New Cabinet Lineup Offers Broad Competence for Reforms, But …

      Ukraine’s New Cabinet Lineup Offers Broad Competence for Reforms, But …

      Atlantic Council Analyst Lists Whom to Watch in the Battle to Improve Governance Ukraine’s overhauled cabinet lineup, now complete, offers clues to the new leadership’s seriousness and competence for its critical task of reforms. For a government that must decentralize governance, make official transactions transparent, prosecute and...

      ‘If Ukraine’s Violence Not Addressed, Transformation Will Be Slow,’ Says Top IMF Official

      ‘If Ukraine’s Violence Not Addressed, Transformation Will Be Slow,’ Says Top IMF Official

      Violence in eastern Ukraine could adversely impact the economic transformation of that country, Aasim M. Husain, deputy director of the International Monetary Fund’s European Department, told the Atlantic Council. …read more Source: Atlantic...

      Here is Why Obama May Sign Congress’ Bill for New US Aid to Ukraine

      Here is Why Obama May Sign Congress’ Bill for New US Aid to Ukraine

      ‘Freedom Support Act’ Authorizes, But Does Not Require, Arms Sales to Ukraine In passing its bill to boost US support for Ukraine last week, Congress has left President Barack Obama largely free to decide how and when to apply its provisions – and that flexibility is one reason Obama may sign the act, even though it includes measures...

      Moldova at a Tipping Point: Four Ways the US Should Help

      Moldova at a Tipping Point: Four Ways the US Should Help

      Small Steps for a Small Country Could Strengthen Europe Against Russia’s Assaults In the shadow of Ukraine’s war for true independence from Russia, the small country of Moldova is entering a critical chapter of its parallel struggle. Frustrated Moldovan voters last month reelected their pro-democratic government, but also delivered a...

      Ukraine:  Suddenly, an Information Ministry Is Born

      Ukraine: Suddenly, an Information Ministry Is Born

      Poroshenko’s Team Creates a Government Agency in 60 Hours; Critics Ask if This Is the Way to Counter Kremlin Propaganda President Petro Poroshenko’s government created a new Ministry of Information Policy last week in sixty hours from first proposal to parliamentary approval—and did so over the objections of pro-reform legislators,...