Friday, 10 January 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Council on Foreign Relations (USA)

      Why Ukraine Might Make a TV Actor Its President

      Why Ukraine Might Make a TV Actor Its President

      Ukraine holds the first round of this year’s presidential election on March 31, and the top conte …read more Source: Council on Foreign...

      See How Much You Know About Ukraine

      See How Much You Know About Ukraine

      Ukraine has repeatedly found itself at the center of geopolitical conflicts between East and West …read more Source: Council on Foreign...

      From Fiscal Drain to Economic Engine: The Case for Reforming Ukraine’s Energy Sector

      From Fiscal Drain to Economic Engine: The Case for Reforming Ukraine’s Energy Sector

      Sagatom Saha is an energy policy analyst and former visiting fellow at DiXi Group, a Ukraine- …read more Source: Council on Foreign...

      Cyber Mercenaries and the Crisis in Ukraine

      Cyber Mercenaries and the Crisis in Ukraine

      The following is an excerpt from …read more Source: Council on Foreign...

      Four Good Reasons to Care About Ukraine

      Four Good Reasons to Care About Ukraine

      It is important that President Vladimir Putin not conclude that continued use of force is a viable path to make Russia great again, writes CFR’s Richard N. Haass. …read more Source: Council on Foreign...

      What Lies Ahead for Ukraine?

      What Lies Ahead for Ukraine?

      The conflict in Ukraine’s east could remain unresolved indefinitely unless all sides pursue a different course toward a compromise, says expert Nikolas Gvosdev. …read more Source: Council on Foreign...

      Crisis Over Ukraine

      Crisis Over Ukraine

      As a 2009 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Contingency Planning Memorandum “Crisis Between Ukraine and Russia” argued, a major Ukraine-Russia confrontation has significant implications for the United States. Despite ongoing diplomatic efforts, few aspects of the Minks II agreement have been implemented and heavy fighting could...

      Rebuilding Economic and Political Stability in Ukraine

      Rebuilding Economic and Political Stability in Ukraine

      Ukraine faces two severe and immediate challenges: armed pro-Russian separatists in the eastern part of the country and a sharp, nationwide economic deterioration stemming in no small part from that military threat.CFR convened a group of experts to discuss Ukraine’s economic challenges and identify possible ways for outside actors to...

      European Agenda on Migration

      European Agenda on Migration

      On May 13, 2015, the European Commission outlined its agenda on migration, in response to the influx of migrants from Ukraine, the Middle East, Asia, and North Africa who were seeking asylum in Europe. Implementation packages were released May 27 and September 9, with details on refugees distribution, funds for countries receiving and settling...

      Remarks by European Commission President Juncker on the State of the Union

      Remarks by European Commission President Juncker on the State of the Union

      On September 9, 2015, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker spoke about issues the European Union is facing, including the influx of refugees, the relationships of Greece and of Britain to the EU, the conflict in Ukraine, and climate change. He released updates for the European Agenda on Migration and for the ten priorities of the...