: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Institute for Policy Studies (USA)

      America’s Coronavirus: Containing the Outbreak of Trumpism

      America’s Coronavirus: Containing the Outbreak of Trumpism

      The epicenter of China’s coronavirus outbreak is widely thought to be a wet market in Wuhan. At such markets, seafood, chicken, and other conventional foodstuffs are on sale alongside live animals. You can buy more than just dogs and cats there. Local epicures also shop for more exotic fare like foxes, badgers, civets, and snakes. The...

      Putin Proposes, Trump Disposes

      Putin Proposes, Trump Disposes

      In Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin is proposing a new constitution. Meanwhile, in Washington, U.S. President Donald Trump is disposing of the old constitution. The first is a demonstration of power meant to showcase the unity of the Russian political system behind a strong leader. The second is an act of desperation that reveals the deep...

      The Real Shadow Policy of the Trump Administration Is Racist Extremism

      The Real Shadow Policy of the Trump Administration Is Racist Extremism

      The Democrats are pursuing two charges in their impeachment of Donald Trump: First, that the president tried to enlist Ukraine’s help for his own political gain. And second, that he’s continued to obstruct Congress in its investigation into this abuse of power. Trump’s transformation of the Oval Office into both a branch of his...

      Whose Coups?

      Whose Coups?

      Coups have been one of the greatest threats to democracy. The people elect a daring leader willing to take on the status quo. And then, as in Iran in 1953 or Chile in 1973, the military pushes the leader aside to take control. Sometimes the generals remain in power; sometimes they restore a royal to the throne. Often some external force – a...

      Will Impeachment Affect Trump’s Reelection Chances?

      Will Impeachment Affect Trump’s Reelection Chances?

      One of the hallmarks of a democratic political system is that voters change their minds. In North Korea, 100 percent of voters support the ruling party coalition in election after election. In South Korea since 1998, voters backed 10 years of progressive candidates followed by 10 years of conservative candidates. Then, after a dramatic turnaround...

      Don’t Just Focus on Trump’s Crimes at Home

      Don’t Just Focus on Trump’s Crimes at Home

      In the territory it has occupied since 1967, Israel has permitted the construction of civilian settlements that have violated the human rights of the Palestinian residents of this land. This has been the conclusion of the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, and experts in international humanitarian law. The U.S. response to...

      Did the Fall of the Berlin Wall Produce the Trump Presidency?

      Did the Fall of the Berlin Wall Produce the Trump Presidency?

      The Berlin Wall fell 30 years ago. It was one of the few unambiguously joyous moments in modern history. This popular, nonviolent explosion of dissent effectively toppled East Germany’s despotic regime. And it signaled, if only symbolically, the end of the Cold War that had divided Europe for nearly half a century. Thirty years later, a...

      Examining Trump World’s Fantastic Claims About Ukraine

      Examining Trump World’s Fantastic Claims About Ukraine

      In fantasy sports, participants draft their own dream teams out of the rosters of existing players. That’s what Donald Trump has done with Ukraine. He and his advisors have created a fantasy team involving a number of key players, including the Ukrainian president, the former U.S. ambassador, and the former vice president’s son. Then...

      The Islamic State and Donald Trump’s Delusion

      The Islamic State and Donald Trump’s Delusion

      Even before the recent raid that resulted in the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the erstwhile head of the Islamic State, Donald Trump had spoken of how he had single-handedly defeated the caliphate. “Now, when I came, the caliphate was all over the place,” the president said apropos of nothing during a news conference with the Australian prime...

      The Art of the Back-Pedal

      The Art of the Back-Pedal

      It is a hallmark of right-wing populists to make a preposterous policy and then be forced — by opposition, by circumstance, by the laws of physics — to retreat. Three very recent examples involve Donald Trump, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The backpedaling might look very similar in all three cases,...