Wednesday, 26 February 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Institute for Policy Studies (USA)

      Rescuing Realpolitik from Henry Kissinger

      Rescuing Realpolitik from Henry Kissinger

      Henry Kissinger wrote his doctoral dissertation about Europe’s “long peace” after the defeat of Napoleon, focusing on how conservative statesmen negotiated the Concert of Europe through a mixture of diplomacy and military power. Kissinger was enamored of this approach to achieving an “equilibrium of forces.” The lesson he absorbed, and...

      The Return of the Far Right

      The Return of the Far Right

      Panic does not produce prudent politics. Panic produces provocative populists. And it reduces pundits to Seussian spluttering. How can voters choose such…panic-peddling panderers?! The defeats of Donald Trump in the U.S. elections in 2020 and Jair Bolsonaro in the Brazilian elections in 2022 were supposed to prove that the wave of right-wing...

      Pentagon Fails Its Sixth Audit

      Pentagon Fails Its Sixth Audit

      The Pentagon has failed its audit, again. For the sixth time in a row. The agency that accounts for half of the federal discretionary budget does not know what it did with the money. For a brief recap, the Pentagon has never passed an audit. Until 2018, it had never even completed an audit. Since then, the Pentagon has completed an audit every...

      How Long Can America Maintain a War Economy

      How Long Can America Maintain a War Economy

      The U.S. economy is in reasonably good shape, according to conventional measurements. The official unemployment rate is below 4 percent, and the productivity of U.S. workers is surging. In the last quarter, economic growth was nearly 5 percent, and Inflation has been levelling off. Americans are buying things, throwing parties, and going on...

      Congress Divided on Funding Wars

      Congress Divided on Funding Wars

      Inside the halls of power and outside on the campaign trail, U.S. politics is a mess. The leading Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential race, Donald Trump, faces four criminal indictments. The leading Democratic candidate, President Joe Biden, has dismal favorability ratings. The presidential race has so far generated as much positive...

      The Enduring Limits of American Power

      The Enduring Limits of American Power

      The United States is the most powerful country on the earth. If you add together its nuclear arsenal, its unmatched array of conventional weaponry, and its global economic reach, America might be the mightiest country in the history of the planet. The United States has been responsible for destroying countries (Germany, Japan) and raising them...

      Israel, Ukraine, the Border: What’s in Biden’s $105 Billion Military Bill

      Israel, Ukraine, the Border: What’s in Biden’s $105 Billion Military Bill

      Last week, the White House released President Biden’s request for $105 billion in military and related aid related to wars ongoing in Ukraine, Gaza, and wars not yet begun, as well as a request for additional border funding. An extra $105 billion in mostly military spending is no small matter, especially on top of the $886 billion military...

      A Series of Ups and Downs for Immigrants in the U.S.

      A Series of Ups and Downs for Immigrants in the U.S.

      I rejoice in being an immigrant. I find beauty in not tying myself to a single place or identity having been born in the Philippines and growing up all over the United States. I am multilingual, I am keen on adventure and adaptation, and I’ve developed a sense of purpose with those who grew up like me. And for much of the last few weeks, I...

      Russia’s Eroding Geopolitical Strength

      Russia’s Eroding Geopolitical Strength

      According to the Kremlin, Russia is on a roll. In Slovakia, the Russia-leaning Robert Fico has bounced back in the most recent elections to get another chance to form a coalition government. In contrast to the previous Slovak government, which was a generous supporter of Kyiv, Fico has pledged not to send a single bullet to Ukraine. On the other...

      Trump World 2025

      Trump World 2025

      It’s possible that he’ll be in prison. Or perhaps, because of poll numbers that fall as trial dates approach, the Republican Party won’t end up nominating the current frontrunner as their presidential candidate in 2024. And, of course, in the general election, despite its lukewarm attitude toward Joe Biden, the American...