Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
Questions Linger Over Russia’s Endgame In Syria, Ukraine And Europe
February 24, 2016 …read more Source: Center on Global...
Reforms in Ukraine: Milestones for 2016
Experts from the Reanimation Package of Reforms and the EU Support Group for Ukraine take stock of reform efforts in 2015 and examine areas of critical importance for the year ahead. …read more Source: Open Society...
In the Absence of American Leadership, Germany Steps in to Engage with Russia—at the EU’s Peril
One particularly visible trend at the recent Munich Security Conference was America’s disengagement from European security issues. Foreign leaders often spoke without referring to the United States, and there was little sign of US involvement beyond its military participation in NATO. Washington’s priorities clearly revolved around...
West Told Ukraine To Abandon Crimea, Document Says
February 24, 2016 …read more Source: Center on Global...
Russian VK Founder’s Messaging App Hits 100m Mark
Pavel Durov founded hugely successful social site VKontakte before leaving Russia, claiming Kremlin persecution. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
Зустріч з делегацією Фонду Ярла Ялмарсона
23 лютого у Центрі Разумкова відбулась зустріч співробітників Центру з делегацією Фонду Ярла Ялмарсона (Швеція). До складу делегації увійшли Голова Фонду Ярла Ялмарсона Горан Ленмаркер, Заступник Директора Фонду Йенс Ахль, Старший радник із закордонних справ президента Поміркованої коаліційної партії Швеції, Посол Діана Янсе, Голова Університету...
Mayor shot dead in Starobilsk (Luhansk region)
A mayor has been shot dead in a Kiev government-controlled town in the troubled Russian-speaking eastern region of Ukraine, local police sources say. Local police spokeswoman Tetyana Pogukai said on Tuesday that the assassination took place in Starobilsk town, which is located 80 kilometers (50 miles) northwest of the northeastern city of...
Cyberwar is here to stay
Cyberwarfare is a threat that is anonymous, hard to trace and hard to defend against. Keyboard image via shutterstock.comLast week, The New York Times revealed that the Obama administration had prepared a cyberattack plan to be carried out against Iran in the event diplomatic negotiations failed to limit that country’s nuclear weapons...
Judy Asks: Is Ukraine a Lost Cause?
A selection of experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world. …read more Source: Carnegie...
Felgenhauer: War of the Russian Federation against NATO – as the war British with Zulu.
23/2/16 “Usually, when there is a collision of a modern army with outdated, it looks like the opposition of the Spaniards with the Indians. Or Zulu spears against the English with machine guns.” The Russian leadership is engaged in nuclear blackmail, because nothing is left to him: conventional forces of Russia is hopelessly behind the West on a...