: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      From Kosovo to Crimea

      From Kosovo to Crimea

      From Kosovo to CrimeaIn: The International Spectator …read more Source: Istituto Affari...

      Global Think Tank Index Report: BICC again listed in two categories

      Global Think Tank Index Report: BICC again listed in two categories

      In 2015, the Index that intends to help bridge the gap between knowledge and policy, lists BICC as the only German peace and conflict research institute. “Of course, we are very happy that we are, again, listed among the most reputable think tanks in the world,” Professor Conrad Schetter, Director for Research at BICC, stresses. “This is both a...

      Russia’s provocative nuclear strategy.

      Russia’s provocative nuclear strategy.

      Putin’s endorsement of a limited first-use policy require an allied response By Keith B. Payne Wednesday, January 27, 2016 …we must reinvest in intelligence capabilities to better understand contemporary Russia, including its nuclear developments. Russian President Putin has said that the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest...

      Security Before Politics In Eastern Ukraine

      Security Before Politics In Eastern Ukraine

      January 28, 2016 …read more Source: Center on Global...

      Russia uses a fictitious crime to incite hatred.

      Russia uses a fictitious crime to incite hatred.

      /Moscow is looking for new enemies and new problems?/- GCSSI. ANALYSIS OF GERMAN / WESTERN PRESS ___________________________________Berlin annoyed and worried. … This time Moscow did so with regard to Germany – a large country, which plays a role of a bridge between Russia and the West. This reflected the complex relationship Merkel and Putin,...

      The Role of Women and Gender Policies in Addressing the Military Conflict in Ukraine

      The Role of Women and Gender Policies in Addressing the Military Conflict in Ukraine

      This report summarizes the discussions and recommendations of a workshop on “The Role of Women and Gender Policies in Addressing the Military Conflict in Ukraine.” Two indisputable facts provided the context for the event. First, 15 years after the adoption of UNSCR 1325, the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda is far...

      Kuril Island ‘Ghost Town’ Coming Back to Life

      Kuril Island ‘Ghost Town’ Coming Back to Life

      Russia will build new housing and schools for military personnel on the disputed islands. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Nowa publikacja: Quo vadis Ukraino? Czy istnieje szansa na sukces? | Zeszyty mBank–CASE nr 139

      Nowa publikacja: Quo vadis Ukraino? Czy istnieje szansa na sukces? | Zeszyty mBank–CASE nr 139

      Language Polish “Gdybym miał powiedzieć tylko jedną rzecz o Ukrainie, musiałbym podkreślić, że jest to kraj osiągający najgorsze wyniki gospodarcze spośród wszystkich znanych mi krajów” – powiedział Ivan Mikloš, współzałożyciel i prezes think-tanku MESA10 oraz członek Międzynarodowej Rady Doradczej Krajowej Rady Reform Ukrainy,...

      Litvinenko Inquiry: Pursuing populism at the expense of foreign policy?

      Litvinenko Inquiry: Pursuing populism at the expense of foreign policy?

      Many of the popular responses to the Litvinenko Inquiry — released nearly a decade after the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006 with polonium, probably by former agents of the Russian FSB — have been inane, poorly informed, and wildly speculative. Some have taken the line that having killed off Russian democracy, Vladimir Putin should be...

      Russia Security Update: January 12-26, 2016

      Russia Security Update: January 12-26, 2016

      Download the PDF Russia continues to aggressively posture against NATO from both Ukraine and Syria while casting itself as a constructive actor in both conflicts. U.S. European Command (EUCOM) accused Russia of destabilizing Europe by violating international norms and named deterring Russian aggression as its strategic priority. Moscow announced...