: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Europe’s Strategic Indifference Over Greece and Ukraine

      Europe’s Strategic Indifference Over Greece and Ukraine

      Greece’s economic crisis and the war in Ukraine pose similar threats to Europe’s security-threats that most European leaders prefer to ignore. …read more Source: Carnegie Endowment for International...

      Elections, Identity and Economic Decline in Belarus

      Elections, Identity and Economic Decline in Belarus

      The Belarusian parliament endorsed a new date for the upcoming presidential elections: October 11. It is unlikely that shifting elections from November (as originally planned) to October will make a difference either in terms of negative trends in the economy or in terms of the opposition candidates’ ability to collect the requisite 100,000...

      Tatarstani Cossacks Enter Government Service

      Tatarstani Cossacks Enter Government Service

      Although not commonly associated with the Cossacks, the city of Kazan (in the ethnic republic of Tatarstan, historically a Muslim region) played host, in mid-June, to a meeting of the regional coordination center for Cossack revival. The meeting was attended by the Cossack Party of the Russian Federation, the Union of Cossack Soldiers From Russia...

      Russia’s Naval Power in the 21st Century

      Russia’s Naval Power in the 21st Century

      Traditionally considered a land power, Russia’s drive to develop as a naval power dates back at least as far as the reign of Peter the Great. As part of a large defense modernization program, Russia has invested heavily in recent years to develop its navy and acquire new capabilities. What is the state and mission of Russian naval power...

      Here’s Why More Ukrainians Admire Nationalists, and Why the West Shouldn’t Freak Out

      Here’s Why More Ukrainians Admire Nationalists, and Why the West Shouldn’t Freak Out

      Here’s a suggestion that will strike you as either painfully obvious or unnecessarily cumbersome. If you really want to understand contemporary Ukraine and Ukrainians, you need to know Ukrainian. If you accept that point, then discard all the writings by linguistically challenged analysts incapable of delving deeper into the Ukrainian...

      Greece’s Lesson for Ukraine: More Populism, Please

      Greece’s Lesson for Ukraine: More Populism, Please

      Can Western governments learn anything from the Greek fiasco that will produce a better result in Ukraine? There are countless differences between the two situations, but one big similarity should worry us: In both countries an economic crisis has begotten a political crisis, and the two have begun to feed on each other. …read more Source:...

      Greece’s Russian fantasy; Russia’s European delusion

      Greece’s Russian fantasy; Russia’s European delusion

      The striking outcome of this Sunday’s Greek referendum is that the collective attitude departed so decisively from common sense. The question on the ballot was convoluted, but the voters were well-informed about the EU’s demands. Having spent a week lining up at ATMs, Greeks grasped the reality of the coming bankruptcy—and yet, they...

      Kremlin Opposes MH17 Tribunal, EU Membership Hopes Grow in Balkans

      Kremlin Opposes MH17 Tribunal, EU Membership Hopes Grow in Balkans

      Plus, Russian police raid an election monitor’s offices, and Czech prisons are full again after amnesty. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Repression of Crimean Tatars Intensifies Under Russia, Says New Turkish Report

      Repression of Crimean Tatars Intensifies Under Russia, Says New Turkish Report

      Russian authorities have forced Crimean Tatars to become Russian citizens and curtailed their freedoms of speech, language, education, and residence—as well as their right to a fair trial. That’s according to an independent group of Turkish scholars sent to Crimea to investigate human rights violations after Russia annexed the peninsula on...

      Will Putin roar again?

      Will Putin roar again?

      Brandon Valeriano and Ryan C. Maness believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a weak and discredited “Paper Tiger” and not a long-term threat to the West. Economist Sergey Aleksashenko warns against too easily discounting Russia as weak. Pavel Baev counters that Aleksashenko misunderstands the sources of Russian strength. This debate is...