: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Moscow Patriarchate Rapidly Losing Out in Ukraine—and Beyond

      Moscow Patriarchate Rapidly Losing Out in Ukraine—and Beyond

      The Moscow Patriarchate is rapidly losing influence in Ukraine and may be dissolving from below. These trends could open the way to the formation of a single autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church, independent of Moscow, and undermine the influence of Patriarch Kirill and his Church at home and abroad. More than half of all the parishes of the...

      Europe Needs to Help Ukraine Now!

      Europe Needs to Help Ukraine Now!

      Ukraine bleeds, but reforms impressively, while the West ignores it. The Minsk ceasefire agreement does not hold, though the intensity of the fighting has faded. In mid-March, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) doubled Ukraine’s international reserves, but the country’s finances remain fragile. Europe’s central banks should...

      Russia Strikes Back against Europe’s Energy Union

      Russia Strikes Back against Europe’s Energy Union

      BRUSSELS—Europe is starting to play hardball with Russia on energy — and the Kremlin is fighting back. For years, the European Union was highly dependent on Russia’s natural gas and was unable to exert any influence on its supplier since it is the world’s largest energy importer. This spring, the European Commission launched an EU...

      REPORT: U.S.-Russian Relations Beyond Ukraine

      REPORT: U.S.-Russian Relations Beyond Ukraine

      May 20, 2015 │ Richard Weitz of the Hudson Institute traces the causes of the current conflict and provides recommendations for the post-Ukraine development of U.S.-Russian relations. …read more Source: Center on Global...

      Low inflation and slow recovery test ECB policy

      Low inflation and slow recovery test ECB policy

      Sir,Your editorial (“Draghi perches nicely on both sides of the fence”, May 16) urging the European Central Bank to keep open its monetary spigot, might have been stronger had it recognised two important considerations.The first is that, beyond monetary policy, an important factor contributing to the green shoots now appearing in the European...

      U.S.-Russian Relations Beyond Ukraine: Realities and Recommendations Moving Forward

      U.S.-Russian Relations Beyond Ukraine: Realities and Recommendations Moving Forward

      The Russian-American relationship has reached its lowest point since the end of the Cold War. But while the conflict in Ukraine was the catalyst for pushing tensions over the edge, a number of more pervasive issues, such as disagreements over bilateral arms control, European security, and crises in the Middle East continue to drive Moscow and...

      Russian Duma Targets NGO Threat, CSTO Plans for Taliban Incursion

      Russian Duma Targets NGO Threat, CSTO Plans for Taliban Incursion

      Plus, Hungary’s Orban riles EU officials with latest anti-refugee blast; Bulgarian archeologists find an 8,000-year-old village. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa w Mołdawii: analiza i plan działań

      Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa w Mołdawii: analiza i plan działań

      Language Polish CASE opublikowało drugą z serii trzech publikacji w ramach projektu ‘Transfer of Know-How for Small and Mid-size Businesses in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine’, który ma na celu wsparcie sektora MŚP w tych krajach poprzez transfer wiedzy, pomoc w zmienianiu polityk, oraz otwieranie nowych kanałów komunikacji między MŚP i...

      Ukraine’s Poroshenko Says He Doesn’t Trust Putin

      Ukraine’s Poroshenko Says He Doesn’t Trust Putin

      May 20, 2015 …read more Source: Center on Global...

      Russia will not allow to freeze the armed conflict in Donbas

      Russia will not allow to freeze the armed conflict in Donbas

      Co-director of Foreign Relations and International Security Programmes of the Razumkov Centre Oleksiy Melnyk explains to the website Novoe Vremia how the armed conflict in Donbas differs from the confrontation in Transnistria, and what the consequences may be for Ukraine. Some analysts are inclined to believe that freezing the conflict in Donbas...