: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Putin Weighed Nuclear Option to Protect Crimea; Ukraine’s Leader Calls for New Sanctions

      Putin Weighed Nuclear Option to Protect Crimea; Ukraine’s Leader Calls for New Sanctions

      Plus, Armenia’s top diplomat expresses concern about Russian arms sales to Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistani parties form alliance ahead of presidential election. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Attending the seminar

      Attending the seminar

      From 8 to 20 February 2015, Expert of Economic Programmes of the Centre Kateryna Markevych attended the seminar Political Avenues to Opening Markets and Promoting Entrepreneurship, held in the International Academy for Leadership in Gummersbach (Germany). The seminar was attended by representatives of think tanks, government agencies, and...

      Expert discussion New Energy Strategy of Ukraine Until 2020: Security, Energy Efficiency, Competition

      Expert discussion New Energy Strategy of Ukraine Until 2020: Security, Energy Efficiency, Competition

      On 27 February 2015, the Razumkov Centre, jointly with the Representative Office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Ukraine and with the support of Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Issues of the Energy Industry, Nuclear Policy, and Nuclear Security, held an expert discussion New Energy Strategy of Ukraine Until 2020:...

      International forum Defence Sector Reform: Political and Legislative Issues

      International forum Defence Sector Reform: Political and Legislative Issues

      The Razumkov Centre attended the forum Defence Sector Reform: Political and Legislative Issues, held on 18 February 2015 upon the initiative of the Council for National Security Reform. The forum consisted of two sessions. Session №1. Transition from non-alignment – what should be the new model of ensuring security of Ukraine? Session №2. Defence...

      The Razumkov Centre Newsletter №13

      The Razumkov Centre Newsletter №13

      This issue contains articles and interviews of the Razumkov Centre’s experts, dealing with most topical issues in Ukraine’s current affairs. In particular – domestic politics, security sector, the situation in the Ukrainian economy and energy sector. Read the Razumkov Centre Newsletter №13 …read more Source: Razumkov...

      Guerrilla Journalists in Our Midst

      Guerrilla Journalists in Our Midst

      The anonymous editor of an alternative Czech news site says its mission is to combat the ‘pro-American view of the feudal status of Europeans.’ From Respekt. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      New Open Europe briefing: Cost to UK economy of top 100 EU-derived regulations stands at £33.3bn

      New Open Europe briefing: Cost to UK economy of top 100 EU-derived regulations stands at £33.3bn

      New Open Europe briefing: Cost to UK economy of top 100 EU-derived regulations stands at £33.3bnIn the latest instalment of our ongoing Brexit series, Open Europe has today published a new briefing which finds that the annual cost to the UK economy of the 100 most burdensome EU-derived regulations stands at £33.3bn. However, the...

      Who Benefits From Ending Russian-Ukrainian Cooperation in the Space and Defense Sectors?

      Who Benefits From Ending Russian-Ukrainian Cooperation in the Space and Defense Sectors?

      The Russian government’s decision to end cooperation with Ukraine on two space launch programs is likely due to political motivations alone and goes against the economic and technological interests of Russia, Ukraine, and many other countries. This decision is worth reconsidering. …read more Source: Carnegie Endowment for...

      Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine?

      Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine?

      Stephen M. Walt is apparently trying to clinch his case: that that President Ronald Reagan’s supposedly illegal war in Nicaragua established a precedent, which, some 35 years later, Russia’s Vladimir Putin was simply following by invading Ukraine. Walt’s …read more Source: Gatestone...

      CNN is Beating the Drums of War

      CNN is Beating the Drums of War

      President George W. Bush’s national security advisor, Condi Rice, warned Americans that Saddam Hussein’s (nonexistent) weapons of mass destruction could result in a mushroom cloud going up over an American city. No such threat existed. But today a very real threat exists over all American cities, and the national security advisor does...