: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Andy Hunder: Putin More Afraid of Banks than Tanks

      Andy Hunder: Putin More Afraid of Banks than Tanks

      Ukrainian Institute Director Andy Hunder spoke at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre in Kyiv earlier in April, 2014. “What UK is focusing now is on the role it can play as we understand that Vladimir Putin is more afraid of the banks than tanks”, said Andy Hunder, Director of the Ukrainian Institute in London, during a briefing at the...

      Ukrainian governments’s forces has tried to cut off the rebels’ supply from Russia

      Ukrainian governments’s forces has tried to cut off the rebels’ supply from Russia

      Ukraine’s government now faces a choice on how to end the insurgency if it pursues the military option: use more heavy shelling, as in Slovyansk, or engage in an urban guerrilla war in the center of Ukraine’s fourth-largest city, the Aljazeera reports. The Ukrainian government’s antiterrorist operation thus far has tried to...

      The EU Association Agreement will allow Ukraine to obtain funding from the IMF

      The EU Association Agreement will allow Ukraine to obtain funding from the IMF

      Director of Economic Programmes of the Razumkov Centre Vasyl Yurchyshyn shared his thoughts on whether Ukraine can receive another tranche of international financial assistance, based on conclusions of the monitoring mission of the IMF, with the news agency UNIAN. As to reforms being conducted, one should admit that there are areas where changes...

      After Ukrainian forces were restructured, the operations became more effective

      After Ukrainian forces were restructured, the operations became more effective

      When pro-Russian rebels first fanned out across eastern Ukraine in April, seizing public buildings, ousting local officials and blockading streets and highways, the government’s security forces – a ragtag lot of poorly equipped and understaffed military and police units – were largely paralyzed by dysfunction and defection. They...

      Despite recent improvements, Ukrainian military’s work is far from done

      Despite recent improvements, Ukrainian military’s work is far from done

      When pro-Russian rebels first fanned out across eastern Ukraine in April, seizing public buildings, ousting local officials and blockading streets and highways, the government’s security forces – a ragtag lot of poorly equipped and understaffed military and police units – were largely paralyzed by dysfunction and defection. They...

      Чим небезпечний тероризм в Україні?

      Чим небезпечний тероризм в Україні?

      Чим небезпечний тероризм в Україні? Олексій Мельник,...

      Economic and social challenges of Ukraine after the change of power

      Economic and social challenges of Ukraine after the change of power

      The new Ukrainian leadership that came to power in the end of February 2014 has faced a set of substantial challenges the answer to which will decisively determine the level of its legitimacy, their public support and their ability to retain the power. The extreme level of difficulties that now Ukraine confronts are determined by a unique...

      External discipline is needed to reform Ukrainian economy

      External discipline is needed to reform Ukrainian economy

      Ukraine signed a sweeping economic and trade agreement with the European Union on last Friday, finally completing a trade deal that plunged it into a revolution and ongoing conflict with its closest neighbour, Russia. The deal would remove tariffs on around 98 per cent of the goods traded between Ukraine and the EU, and could begin the process of...

      If Akhmetov had started to resist sooner, Donbass could have avoided huge losses

      If Akhmetov had started to resist sooner, Donbass could have avoided huge losses

      Each day at noon, hundreds of thousands of factory workers in Ukraine’s rebel hotbed pause as sirens blare for three minutes, a behavioral tool Rinat Akhmetov is using to help guard the country’s largest fortune, the Bloomberg writes. Still, the new government remains suspicious of the tycoon because he was closely tied to Yanukovych,...

      Meeting with representatives of the Sobieski Institute

      Meeting with representatives of the Sobieski Institute

      On 14 April 2014, the Razumkov Centre held a working meeting with representatives of the Sobieski Institute (http://www.sobieski.org.pl), one of the leading think tanks in Poland – Mr. Pawel Soloch, member of the management board and Mr. Pawel Szalamacha, deputy to the parliament (Sejm) from the Law and Justice party. The Razumkov Centre...