: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Watch List: Feb. 15, 2017

      Watch List: Feb. 15, 2017

      The items listed below represent potential emerging issues that our analysts are tracking. These can be long term or short term, but will be updated daily. If an item on our Watch List becomes critical, we will email you a full analysis explaining its significance. Each Saturday, we will follow up our daily Watch List for each week with our...

      Turn the search light outwards

      Turn the search light outwards

      In focussing exclusively on Western crimes, parts of the European Left are letting Putin and Assad off the hook for Syria and Ukraine and other abuses. …read more Source: European Council on Foreign...

      Gene therapy must keep pace with public trust

      It’s perhaps not the catchiest name, but it is one worth remembering: CRISPR-Cas9. Only discovered in 2012, this powerful genome editing technique has rapidly become a widespread and indispensable tool for research, and today is used in labs across the world to study human development, fertility and disease. The technology is progressing at...

      The shift in US-Germany relations has implications for Russia

      The shift in US-Germany relations has implications for Russia

      The shift in US-Germany relations has implications for RussiaAfter decades, the transatlantic partnership between the U.S. and Germany finally shows signs of weakening. That could open the door for Russia to become an important German partnerAfter decades, the transatlantic partnership between the U.S. and Germany finally shows signs of...

      Russia: ‘We’re not returning our territory’ Crimea to Ukraine

      Russia: ‘We’re not returning our territory’ Crimea to Ukraine

      February 15, 2017 …read more Source: Center on Global...

      A Baltic Test for European Arms Control

      A Baltic Test for European Arms Control

      Since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in early 2014, its political and military relations with the West have deteriorated sharply. To head off the risk of an arms race or military confrontation, both sides must urgently agree to reciprocal measures to limit military capabilities and engage in arms control, beginning in the Baltics....

      When the Alarm Sounds, Hunker in the Bunker

      When the Alarm Sounds, Hunker in the Bunker

      Does the revival of bunkermania in Russia and America herald a new Cold War? …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      The Philippines and the economics of murder

      After slow-drip revelations last month that several members of the Philippine National Police Anti-Illegal Drugs Group had kidnapped and killed a South Korean businessman in October 2016, a reluctant Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte called off his “war on drugs” at the end of January. It was particularly embarrassing for the government that...

      Is it time for an NHS tax?

      Major historical moments are rarely caused by a single event. No single explanation for the result of the Brexit referendum tells the whole truth. Like the Scottish independence referendum of 2014, Brexit was a very personal epiphany. Your reasons for voting Leave – or, indeed, Remain – were not necessarily the same as your neighbour’s....

      We must not disguise the truth about honour violence

      Honour violence often entails cruel and horrifying brutality. Last week, in Afghanistan, a 23-year old woman had her ears cut off by her husband in the northern province of Balkh. She’d been married to him since the age of 13. He was suspicious of her meeting other men when she visited her parents. It’s not an isolated case. This time...