Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
Trump’s vision of US-Russian relations must confront reality
Donald Trump has more than once expressed his admiration for Vladimir Putin, and both men have expressed hopes of “restoring” US-Russian relations after their countries’ relations hit rock bottom in recent years. Those ties seriously deteriorated after Obama’s 2009 “reset” policy gradually fizzled out, and hit a serious low even...
Tillerson’s Views on Russia Remain Murky
Russia dominated the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s grilling of Rex Tillerson, whose views on the country have been the subject of much speculation. As chairman and chief executive officer of ExxonMobil, Tillerson had extensive business dealings with Russia. The senators used that experience at Tillerson’s confirmation hearing...
Border Security in Eastern Europe: Lessons for NATO and Partners
Introduction The geopolitical dynamics in Europe are changing. Countries such as Georgia, Ukraine, and Moldova have undergone significant transformation processes since the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, history’s aftermath continues to influence these states. The relatively young borders in Eastern Europe have been the stage of...
Love the Briber, Hate the Bribe
Universities have been capitalizing on the cognitive dissonance governing informal payments in Ukraine. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
American Troops ‘Roll Into Poland’ In Largest Deployment Since The Cold War
“American soldiers rolled into Poland on Thursday, fulfilling a dream Poles have had since the fall of communism in 1989 to have US troops on their soil as a deterrent against Russia.” That’s how the AP begins its report on the first deployment of US soldiers into the central European country, previewed here earlier in the week...
U.S. Vice President Biden to Make Final Visit to Ukraine
January 12, 2017 …read more Source: Center on Global...
Russian Yogi Charged Under Extremism Law
Legislation has been used against Scientologists, Protestants, and other small religious groups. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
The return of Kremlinology
Whatever the truth about who knew what and about whom, it is clear that the Kremlin sees itself locked in an ideological war. …read more Source: Transitions Online...
Shapes of a Union: From Ever Closer Union to Flexible Differentiation after Brexit
Farewell, “ever closer union” The logic behind “ever closer union” was gone well before the Brexit referendum. When negotiating a definitive opt-out from the clause, David Cameron revealed how the growing trend towards integration had reached a symbolic limit, regardless of the referendum result. In that European Council of February 2016, it...
How to manage Russia becomes one of the most pressing questions in US, and world, affairs
President-elect Donald Trump has conceded that Russia sought to influence last year’s US presidential election. Reuters/Lucas JacksonAt last Donald Trump has conceded publicly that Russia sought to influence last year’s US presidential election by hacking the website of the Democratic National Committee and distributing material...