: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Czech humanitarian NGO banned from Kremlin-backed militant-controlled Donetsk oblast

      Czech humanitarian NGO banned from Kremlin-backed militant-controlled Donetsk oblast

      People in Need’s office in Donetsk has been visited by representatives of the so-called ‘Donetsk people’s republic’ and told to leave immediately …read more Source: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection...

      Crimean Tatars deported again under Russian occupation of Crimea

      Crimean Tatars deported again under Russian occupation of Crimea

      57-year-old Nedim Khalilov has declared a hunger strike after Russia ‘deported’ him from illegally annexed Crimea. He says that he will risk his life to fight for his right to live in his homeland as a Crimean Tatar, and not be deported as though a foreign citizen …read more Source: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection...

      In Memory of the Victims of Holodomor 1932-1933

      In Memory of the Victims of Holodomor 1932-1933

      On 26 November 2016, please join in remembering the millions of men, women and children in Ukraine and Kuban who were starved to death during the man-made famine known as Holodomor 1932-1933. …read more Source: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection...

      The EU’s Eastern Partnership [What Think Tanks are Thinking]

      The EU’s Eastern Partnership [What Think Tanks are Thinking]

      Written by Marcin Grajewski, The Eastern Partnership was launched in 2009 as a regional programme of the European Neighbourhood Policy to promote integration and cooperation between the European Union, its Member States and Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. It has achieved limited progress, partly due to conflicts and...

      Human Rights Group Publishes Names of Those Responsible for Stalin’s Purges

      Human Rights Group Publishes Names of Those Responsible for Stalin’s Purges

      Kremlin refuses to comment on the release of database with names of state security members. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      Ukraine’s Ex-President to Testify From Russia on Killing of Protesters

      Ukraine’s Ex-President to Testify From Russia on Killing of Protesters

      November 25, 2016 …read more Source: Center on Global...

      Post-truth politics in Ukraine: A ‘common sense’ campaign that is anything but

      Post-truth politics in Ukraine: A ‘common sense’ campaign that is anything but

      The seemingly innocuous initiative to restore economic relations between Kyiv and Moscow is really Russia’s latest move against the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. …read more Source: European Council on Foreign...

      Against the ISIS or the US – what is the goal of the new alliance of Russia and the Taliban?

      Against the ISIS or the US – what is the goal of the new alliance of Russia and the Taliban?

      …”Russians want to defeat America in Afghanistan, but at the cost of lives of Afghans. Our country is close to that again become an arena of fighting indirect war” Analytical Monitoring Service of BBC In Afghanistan, the fear that the establishment of relations between Russia and the “Taliban” could further complicate the already difficult...



      In October, the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group monitoring team worked on gathering information and documenting of human rights violations in the village of Troitske and its surroundings in Popasnaja district, Luhansk region. Close arrangement to the front line, along which the Ukrainian military is strengthening its position, changed the...

      22 листопада 2016р. у Центрі Разумкова відбулась робоча зустріч фахівців Центру з Надзвичайним та Повноважним Послом Республіки Корея в Україні Й.В. Лі Янг-Гу.

      22 листопада 2016р. у Центрі Разумкова відбулась робоча зустріч фахівців Центру з Надзвичайним та Повноважним Послом Республіки Корея в Україні Й.В. Лі Янг-Гу.

      Упродовж зустрічі пан Посол отримав всебічну інформацію про Центр Разумкова, його діяльність та міжнародну співпрацю. Генеральний директор Центру Анатолій Рачок поінформував Посла Республіки Корея про основні досягнення Центру, зокрема було наголошено на зміцненні інституційної спроможності Центру, розширенні міжнародної співпраці. Панові Послові...