Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine
Ukraine Says Missile Tests Will Avoid Crimea, Mollifying Russia
December 1, 2016 …read more Source: Center on Global...
Yatsenyuk at the European Parliament: It’s Time for Europe to Do Its Part
With respect to Ukraine and Russia’s aggression in the eastern part of the country, Europe needs to step up its game.That was the consensus at “The War in Ukraine’s East: The Military Conflict, Diplomacy, and the Humanitarian Crisis,” a discussion co-hosted by the Atlantic Council and Members of the European Parliament Anna Maria...
/Or new – old Scythians tactic on foreign land ?/ – GCSSI Avraham Shmulevich So, what Israel faces – a new way of doing hybrid war. And this may face Ukraine. Israel underway for almost a week. From November 22 all over the country near the settlements of burned forests, shrubs and grass, green spaces in cities. During this time, in 1773 the...
Journalists Across the Globe Hang Tough In Face of Backlash Against Panama Papers Reporting
In late July, Moussa Aksar, the director of Niger’s L’Évènement newspaper, answered his phone and heard a familiar voice warning him that he was, once again, in danger. “Be careful,” a friendly source told Aksar. “Look out for yourself and be careful what you say on the phone.” Aksar had just published Niger’s first exposé from...
Global Militarization Index 2016 Trends in militarization in Europe
While Russia (2016: position 5) continues to be among the ten most militarized countries, the risen level of militarization of Ukraine has resulted in a change of position from number 23 in 2015 to position 15 in 2016. Not only Ukraine but Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, as well as the Baltic countries increased their military expenditures,...
Between Europe and Russia, Oligarchs Rule
Despite their appealing promises, oligarchs do not offer a viable form of governance in countries such as Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. …read more Source: Carnegie Endowment for International...
Symptomless Ebola – questions need to be answered before the next outbreak
Jarun Ontakrai/Shutterstock.comScientists know that Ebola can cause anything from severe hemorrhagic fever to no symptoms at all (asymptomatic infections). What wasn’t known, until now, is the number of people who experienced asymptomatic infections during the 2013-2016 outbreak of Ebola in West Africa. This is not the first report of...
Reassessing American Interests in the Middle East
BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 382 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: President-Elect Trump has serious decisions to make about the Middle East, including what to do about Syria, how to tackle Islamic State, how to take on Iran, and, of course, how to handle the perennial Israel-Palestinian problem. Trump’s margin of error is narrow, especially since...
Half the Berkut officers deployed against EuroMaidan activists remain police officers
Three years after the savage dispersal on Nov 30, 2013 of young students on Maidan, none of the Berkut officers directly involved have been convicted, and some are continuing to work in the police. The reason in many cases for the lack of progress lies not in the investigators, but in sabotage by the courts …read more Source: Kharkiv Human...
Watch List: Nov. 30, 2016
The items listed below represent potential emerging issues that our analysts are tracking. These can be long term or short term, but will be updated daily. If an item on our Watch List becomes critical, we will email you a full analysis explaining its significance. Each Saturday, we will follow up our daily Watch List for each week with our...