: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Ukraine Fails to Get More IMF Funding

      Ukraine Fails to Get More IMF Funding

      A mission from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) visited Ukraine November 3-17. The Ukrainian government had hoped that it would decide to give Ukraine another tranche of its four-year $17.5 billion loan package of March 2015, of which Ukraine has received $7.7 billion, but the answer was a resounding no.The IMF is normally very diplomatic in...

      United States of Anonymity

      United States of Anonymity

      Image: Unsplash / 9175 | CC0 1.0 KleptoCast: Casey Michel talks to investigative economist James S. Henry about how the U.S. became a global leader in financial secrecy.http://kleptocracyinitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/KleptoCast-2-Casy-Michel-James-Henry-on-US-Financial-Secrecy.mp3 By Casey Michel (November 30, 2016) In 1966, a memo...

      IWP Prepared a Memo Ahead of President Poroshenko’s Visit to Poland

      IWP Prepared a Memo Ahead of President Poroshenko’s Visit to Poland

      Institute of World Policy prepared a memo on the signals that are to be sent to the Polish decision-makers and public by President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko during his visit to Poland. …read more Source: Institute of World...

      Full Disclosure: Tackling Public Corruption in Ukraine

      Full Disclosure: Tackling Public Corruption in Ukraine

      30 November 2016The new electronic system of asset and income declarations for Ukrainian public officials is an important step in tackling corruption but the revelations must now be followed by proper verification, investigation and punishment. Kateryna BoguslavskaAcademy Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme After Ukrainian officials declared...

      Can the UK Retain Global Influence After Brexit? Policies and Structures for a New Era

      Can the UK Retain Global Influence After Brexit? Policies and Structures for a New Era

      The former Permanent Under-Secretary of the Foreign Office gives six suggestions for how the UK can continue to exert global influence after Brexit. I cannot claim to write from a position of neutrality; it’s no secret that most people in the British foreign policy establishment favoured staying in the EU, and I was among them.But our EU...

      Donald Trump Should Stand up for Americans by Giving NATO to the Europeans

      Donald Trump Should Stand up for Americans by Giving NATO to the Europeans

      Doug Bandow The election had barely been called for Donald Trump when he came under pressure to back away from his most important promises. For instance, he questioned U.S. subsidies for the defense of prosperous, populous Europe and criticized NATO as “obsolete.” But after President Barack Obama met with Trump, the former assured Europeans of...

      Ukraine Peace Talks Remain Deadlocked

      Ukraine Peace Talks Remain Deadlocked

      After 18 months, Kyiv and Moscow again fail to find a sliver of common ground, leaving France and Germany gritting their teeth in frustration. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      German Spy Chief Warns of Russian Cyberattack Risk

      German Spy Chief Warns of Russian Cyberattack Risk

      Foreign hackers could spread disinformation to muddy the political waters as electioneering picks up ahead of crucial elections. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      The G7 and G20 in the global governance landscape

      The G7 and G20 in the global governance landscape

      The Group of Seven (G7) and the Group of Twenty (G20) are informal governance clubs, which hold annual Summits of Heads of State to discuss issues of global importance. The G7 is a more homogenous, intimate group, which has been meeting for decades. It is a subset – a club in the club – of the newer and more diverse G20, which represents...

      Moscow, Yerevan Deepen Military Cooperation

      Moscow, Yerevan Deepen Military Cooperation

      Agreement marks latest Kremlin move to boost its military presence in the restive South Caucasus. …read more Source: Transitions Online...