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Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Putin warns Merkel Russian gas piped to EU could be siphoned off in Ukraine

      Putin warns Merkel Russian gas piped to EU could be siphoned off in Ukraine

      Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel yesterday (14 November) of the risk of Ukraine siphoning off Russian gas destined for Europe, the Kremlin said. …read more Source:...

      Kashmir and US Silence

      Kashmir and US Silence

      Since ages, the United States (US) has long been supportive of human rights, democracy, and rule of law around the world. The US has always regarded its values, i.e. human rights, democracy, and rule of law as beacon of hope for the world’s marginalized communities. These were the core values, among other things, that helped the US defeat...

      Under Trump, the U.S. Will Become an Enemy of the International Community

      Under Trump, the U.S. Will Become an Enemy of the International Community

      Image courtesy of Shutterstock The election of Donald Trump is not only a surprise for many American citizens. It’s a shock to the international community. In fact, the shock might be so severe that it will be the death of the international community. What has happened in the United States is not unprecedented. But, as with most things to...

      ’Last hope of police reform in Ukraine dead’ as key reformer resigns, leaving contentious deputy in charge

      ’Last hope of police reform in Ukraine dead’ as key reformer resigns, leaving contentious deputy in charge

      Khatia Dekonoidze has resigned as Head of National Police seemingly in frustration at limited scope to carry out real reform and political interference. She also says that Vadim Troyan, now Acting Head, is not politically independent and therefore unsuited to the post. These are not the only concerns about Troyan’s suitability for high...

      International protest over Russian FSB arrest of well-known Crimean scholars

      International protest over Russian FSB arrest of well-known Crimean scholars

      The FSB has posted videoed ‘confessions’ from two of its three alleged ‘Crimean saboteurs’, both renowned academics, but has not allowed lawyers to see the men. The third man, Volodymyr Dudka, a retired military man, was allowed to briefly see a lawyer and told her that his ‘confession’ was extracted through threats to his...

      Report Launch: Russia Policy for the Trump Administration

      Report Launch: Russia Policy for the Trump Administration

      Donald Trump arrives in the White House with U.S.-Russia relations at the lowest point since the Cold War. Disagreements over Ukraine, Syria, and the future of European security, not to mention the recent cessation of nuclear cooperation agreements and Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election, have pushed ties to the brink of...

      Watch Out, Silicon Valley. Here Comes Ukraine

      Watch Out, Silicon Valley. Here Comes Ukraine

      Ukraine has the potential to become Europe’s top hub for information technology and other innovation-based industries. Some major private sector businesses have already chosen Ukraine as the site of their research and development centers; among them are Aricent, Boeing, Ericsson, Oracle, and Siemens. Private business initiatives in Ukraine...

      Moldova Elects Moscow-Leaning President

      Moldova Elects Moscow-Leaning President

      Socialist Igor Dodon’s victory is marred by the logistics of voting abroad, where a shortage of ballots prevented many from casting their votes in the election runoff. …read more Source: Transitions Online...

      We Are Building the New Ukraine, Three Years after Euromaidan

      We Are Building the New Ukraine, Three Years after Euromaidan

      The need for reconciliation between eastern and western Ukraine is often emphasized in Ukrainian and international media, and has been the subject of dozens of roundtables in the past couple of years. Though originally from western Ukraine, I have lived and worked in the east for nearly two years, and I have come to realize that the approach and...

      Donald Trump Is about to Become America’s President. Here’s What His Foreign Policy Should Be.

      Donald Trump Is about to Become America’s President. Here’s What His Foreign Policy Should Be.

      Doug Bandow Few people expected there to be a President-elect Donald Trump. Winning the election wasn’t easy. Governing will be much tougher. Although the Americans who voted for him likely are most interested in domestic and economic reform, international challenges are likely to prove more pressing. Indeed, the world may be messier in...