: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

      Explaining Germany’s contradiction: Energy Union and Nord Stream 2

      Explaining Germany’s contradiction: Energy Union and Nord Stream 2

      The construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline between Russia and Germany has become one of the most controversial topics in European energy policy. For a majority of European policymakers and analysts, it seems hard to understand how Angela Merkel’s government can back the creation of a more secure Energy Union and a seemingly...

      Ukrainians Beware! Avoiding Arrest in Russian-Occupied Crimea in the Face of Mounting Repression

      Ukrainians Beware! Avoiding Arrest in Russian-Occupied Crimea in the Face of Mounting Repression

      New FSB interrogations only confirm the need for the advice just issued by the Crimean Human Rights Group for Ukrainians wanting to avoid being arrested for ‘extremist’ views such as Crimea is Ukraine. …read more Source: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection...

      Genuine Investigations and Prosecutions for Increasing Crimes Committed in Eastern Ukraine Urgently Needed

      Genuine Investigations and Prosecutions for Increasing Crimes Committed in Eastern Ukraine Urgently Needed

      Paris-Kharkiv, 19 July 2016. After a three-day seminar on documenting human rights violations held for Ukrainian lawyers and human rights defenders in Kharkiv from 4 to 6 July 2016, our organisations express their concern on the prevalent climate of impunity for crimes committed since the beginning of the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine....

      Relations between NATO and Russia very closely resemble the time of the Cold War

      Relations between NATO and Russia very closely resemble the time of the Cold War

      A session of the NATO-Russia Council was the first since at the Warsaw summit the alliance announced its enhanced presence in Eastern Europe in response to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. The meeting of the representatives of 28 NATO countries and Russia was only the second since 2014, when the relations between Kremlin and the alliance...

      Georgia Receives ‘Maximum Possible’ at NATO’s Warsaw Summit

      Georgia Receives ‘Maximum Possible’ at NATO’s Warsaw Summit

      Several paragraphs of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) final Warsaw Summit communiqué (July 9) refer to long-time NATO-aspirant Georgia (Nato.int, July 9). The Alliance expressed its readiness to ramp up dialogue and cooperation with Georgia and Ukraine on strengthening Black Sea regional security. The document noted the...

      NATO Can Refloat Romania’s Black Sea Naval Initiative (Part One)

      NATO Can Refloat Romania’s Black Sea Naval Initiative (Part One)

      It was a summit of modest expectations and modest results for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Warsaw on July 8–9. These results are of an interim nature: building blocks for further decisions at upcoming ministerial meetings, not waiting until the next summit. The Warsaw results do not, as yet, correlate with the growth in...

      Dialogue With Russia Produces Universal Frustration

      Dialogue With Russia Produces Universal Frustration

      The idea of engaging in more dialogue with Russia is eagerly accepted by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), is being pursued by the United States, is cultivated by the Chinese leadership, and has again become embraced by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The latter even swallowed his pride and offered an elliptic apology for his...

      Ukraine Needs to Abandon its Soviet Thinking Once and for All

      Ukraine Needs to Abandon its Soviet Thinking Once and for All

      Ukraine’s reform efforts continue to sputter on without any transformative results more than two years after former President Viktor Yanukovych fled to Moscow. The economy’s basic problems have not yet been addressed. It is still bogged down in its Soviet past, with populist forces making illusory promises that appeal to many...

      How Ukraine Can Win the Information War in a Fact Free World

      How Ukraine Can Win the Information War in a Fact Free World

      What media outlets do you trust? From the Brexit referendum and the US presidential race to Russia’s information war on Ukraine, it is becoming increasingly clear that we now live in a fact-free world where emotions reign supreme and truth is in the eye of the beholder.This trend first became apparent around the time of the 2003 Iraq war....

      Impending Pokemon Release in Russia Triggers Panic Among Some

      Impending Pokemon Release in Russia Triggers Panic Among Some

      Russian conservatives fear that players might become spies for the CIA. …read more Source: Transitions Online...