: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Ron Paul Institute (USA)

      Is The Biden Impeachment Inquiry Just Political Theater?

      Is The Biden Impeachment Inquiry Just Political Theater?

      Speaker McCarthy finally bowed to pressure and, likely against his preference, launched an impeachment inquiry into President Biden. Already House conservatives like Matt Gaetz are warning that Republican hands will be cuffed. What should we expect from the process? Truth? Also today, Covid tyrants are back and cancelling high school football...

      A Personal Journey Through the National Security State

      A Personal Journey Through the National Security State

      (This presentation was prepared for the Sept. 1st. Ron Paul Institute’s Ron Paul Scholars Seminar)I am accustomed to opening the New York Times and The Washington Post to find laundry list articles relating to what the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has reportedly been up to. That many of the evidence free allegations are implausible or...

      Biden Gives Iran Some Of Its Own Money Back…Republican Heads Explode

      Biden Gives Iran Some Of Its Own Money Back…Republican Heads Explode

      In a rare successful deal with Iran, the Biden Administration secured the release of five US citizens held in Iranian prisons in exchange for the release of $6 billion in Iranian assets seized by the United States. Predictably, US Republican politicians lost their minds over the deal. Also today: Blinken green-lights Ukrainian missile strikes...

      US Sanctions Syrian ‘Moderate Rebels’ It Had Previously Armed

      US Sanctions Syrian ‘Moderate Rebels’ It Had Previously Armed

      In 2013 the CIA was handing out TOW anti-tank missiles to ‘moderate rebel’ groups who were fighting the government in Syria. These groups were allegedly ‘vetted’ before they receive money and weapons. Unfortunately ‘vetting’ was something the CIA had never been good at. One of the groups that received such...

      Biden Walks Back on Ukraine’s NATO Accession

      Biden Walks Back on Ukraine’s NATO Accession

      If only the US President Joe Biden had a time machine as in the post-apocalyptic science fiction novella by H. G. Wells, he should have used that vehicle or device to travel purposely and selectively backward through time all the way to 1999 when it was that the US lost the plot on European security and Russia’s perennial quest for mutual...

      We Need a Peace President

      We Need a Peace President

      Most people agree that we are closer to nuclear war than at any time since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Some would even argue that we are closer now than we were in those fateful days, when Soviet missiles in Cuba almost triggered a nuclear war between the US and the USSR.In those days we were told that we were in a life-or-death struggle with...

      On The Failure Of The Ukrainian Counterattack

      On The Failure Of The Ukrainian Counterattack

      On June 4/5 the Ukrainian military launched its long announced counteroffensive in southeast Ukraine. Ten days later there is no significant progress. This is not the outcome the war propagandists expected: [General Petreus] spoke about the situation in Ukraine to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. On the counteroffensive, he said:’I...

      Czech President Wants West To ‘Monitor’ Russians Like Japanese During WWII

      Czech President Wants West To ‘Monitor’ Russians Like Japanese During WWII

      Japanese internment camps, US, WWII.Czech President Petr Pavel just took anti-Russian xenophobia to a new level, saying this week that he’s in favor of Russians living in Western countries being “monitored” by authorities, akin to what happened with Japanese people living in the United States during World War II. “All...

      Welcome to 21st Century Kremlin Watching with a Ukrainian Twist

      Welcome to 21st Century Kremlin Watching with a Ukrainian Twist

      Unless you are over the age of 45 you likely do not have living memory of the Kremlin “Watching” that accompanied major Soviet holidays. The term “Kremlin Watching” refers to the practice of examining photos like the one above to assess political status in the Soviet Government by identifying the men who occupied the most prominent positions on...

      How America Weaponised the West

      How America Weaponised the West

      In the month that has passed since Emmanuel Macron issued his call for greater European strategic autonomy, two rival camps have gone to battle over its legacy. The first is populated by Atlanticists such as European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, outraged by Macron’s alleged ingratitude towards US security guarantees and his...