: :inin Kyiv (EET)

Section: Ron Paul Institute (USA)

      The Creation of ‘Russia-Gate’

      The Creation of ‘Russia-Gate’

      The two sources that originated the allegations claiming that Russia meddled in the 2016 election — without providing convincing evidence — were both paid for by the Democratic National Committee, and in one instance also by the Clinton campaign: the Steele dossier and the CrowdStrike analysis of the DNC servers. Think about that for a minute. We...

      Facebook Farce Shows Lawmaker Deviousness, Demagoguery

      Facebook Farce Shows Lawmaker Deviousness, Demagoguery

      The 2016 election was the first time in history that goofy advertisements were considered an act of war. The frenzy on Capitol Hill over a smattering of Russian advertisements would be comical except that most of the American media has jumped on the hysteria bandwagon. The latest clamor is a stark warning to anyone who presumes that politicians...

      How Obama and Hillary Clinton Weaponized the ‘Dossier’

      How Obama and Hillary Clinton Weaponized the ‘Dossier’

      The Trump-Russia collusion story was a joint invention of the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign. It enabled the Obama administration to make use of the nation’s security and intelligence services to spy on Trump and his associates and to use whatever information they thereby gleaned to try to get Hillary into the White House....

      Mueller Mugs America: The Case Of Baby George Papadopoulos

      Mueller Mugs America: The Case Of Baby George Papadopoulos

      This is how the Deep State crushes disobedience by the unwashed American public. It indicts not only ham sandwiches but, apparently, political infants in diapers too, if that’s what it takes. Hence the sudden notoriety of Baby George Papadopoulos, who pled guilty to “lying” about an essentially immaterial date to the FBI.Oh, and...

      Russia-gate Breeds ‘Establishment McCarthyism’

      Russia-gate Breeds ‘Establishment McCarthyism’

      In the past, America has witnessed “McCarthyism” from the Right and even complaints from the Right about “McCarthyism of the Left.” But what we are witnessing now amid the Russia-gate frenzy is what might be called “Establishment McCarthyism,” traditional media/political powers demonizing and silencing dissent that questions mainstream...

      The Harmful Effects of Antifa

      The Harmful Effects of Antifa

      An historic opportunity is being missed. The disastrous 2016 presidential election could and should have been a wakeup call. A corrupt political system that gave voters a choice between two terrible candidates is not democracy. This should have been the signal to face reality. The US political system is totally rotten, contemptuous of the people,...

      The Deep State’s Bogus ‘Iranian Threat’

      The Deep State’s Bogus ‘Iranian Threat’

      Yesterday we identified a permanent fiscal crisis as one of the quadruple witching forces arising in October 2017 which will shatter the global financial bubble. Today the Donald is on the cusp of making the crisis dramatically worse by decertifying the Iranian nuke deal, thereby reinforcing another false narrative that enables the $1 trillion...

      Ron Paul: Anti-Russia Campaign Stems From Bias and Desire to Limit Free Speech

      Ron Paul: Anti-Russia Campaign Stems From Bias and Desire to Limit Free Speech

      The investigation into the alleged Russian meddling in the US elections and the supposed use of social media by Moscow to sway public opinion is just a “witch hunt,” former US Congressman Ron Paul told RT.“The people who promote this witch hunt do not care about what [the former US presidential candidate] Hillary [Clinton] was doing and they are...

      The Atlantic Council: ‘Debates’ Between People Who Hate Russia & People Who Really Hate Russia

      The Atlantic Council: ‘Debates’ Between People Who Hate Russia & People Who Really Hate Russia

      Welcome to the Atlantic Council. A think tank which isn’t given to introspection and which ultimately amounts to NATO’s propaganda arm. This week, I endured an Atlantic Council echo-chamber to spare you the bother. The list of lobbyists retained by the club (who prefer to call each other ‘fellows’) reads like a veritable...

      Reagan Documents Shed Light on US ‘Meddling’

      “Secret” documents, recently declassified by the Reagan presidential library, reveal senior White House officials reengaging a former CIA “proprietary,” The Asia Foundation, in “political action,” an intelligence term of art for influencing the actions of foreign governments.The documents from 1982 came at a turning-point moment when the Reagan...