Friday, 14 March 2025
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Section: The German Marshall Fund of the United States (USA)

      Weather Reports, Defense Budgets, and Military Power

      Weather Reports, Defense Budgets, and Military Power

      Budget Weather Reports Since NATO allies committed to spending 2 percent of their GDP on defense, freshly released budget figures have been scrutinized and commented upon. Such daily budget weather reports are convenient to engage in “talking defense.” The 2 percent benchmark is snappy and plausible, and reminding governments to adhere it has the...

      Europe to Planet America: Stay With Us, But Don’t Stampede Us

      Europe to Planet America: Stay With Us, But Don’t Stampede Us

      As the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign gears up, and conflicts on the other side of the Atlantic multiply, two opposing views of what the United States should do about European security are competing for airspace in the U.S. public debate: “Let’s Get Out of There”: The United States no longer has any business being engaged in...

      Local Capacity is the First Line of Defense Against the Hybrid Threat

      Local Capacity is the First Line of Defense Against the Hybrid Threat

      Introduction The March 18, 2014 annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation was not something that could happen in 21st century Europe — until it did. Through the strategy of hybrid war, alternately called “non-linear war” or “war in the gray zone,” Russian leaders have found an effective means of attack that also frustrates conventional...

      The Refugee Crisis: Perspectives from Across Europe and the Atlantic

      The Refugee Crisis: Perspectives from Across Europe and the Atlantic

      The European refugee crisis, as it is being called, is dominating headlines on both sides of the Atlantic. People across Europe and the United States have looked, both horrified and heartened, at the same images of drowned toddlers and swarms of volunteers welcoming refugees in many European towns. The crisis is neither new, nor acutely European,...

      Europe’s Soft-Power Pull is Still Working, if Unevenly, in the Western Balkans

      Europe’s Soft-Power Pull is Still Working, if Unevenly, in the Western Balkans

      VIENNA—Enlargement of the European Union is a hard sell these days. The member states have turned their gaze inwards as they confront a protracted period of low or no economic growth, not to mention the unfolding migration crisis. Nonetheless, leaders of the EU and Western Balkans states met again last week in Vienna as part of the “Berlin...

      Karen Donfried speaks with DW on ‘What’s Next for Europe?’ and the on-going migration crisis

      Karen Donfried speaks with DW on ‘What’s Next for Europe?’ and the on-going migration crisis

      German Marshall Fund of the United States President Karen Donfried looks at transatlantic ties in the wake of the Greece and migration crisis and on-going unrest in Ukraine. Watch the video here. Featured image: Source publication: Deutsche WelleResearch and analysis for: Germany’s European, Foreign, and Security PolicyEuropean...

      Karen Donfried speaks with DW on ‘What’s Next for Europe?’

      Karen Donfried speaks with DW on ‘What’s Next for Europe?’

      German Marshall Fund of the United States President Karen Donfried looks at transatlantic ties in the wake of the Greece and migration crisis and on-going unrest in Ukraine. Watch the video here. Featured image: Source publication: Deutsche WelleResearch and analysis for: Germany’s European, Foreign, and Security PolicyEuropean...

      President Karen Donfried speaks with DW on ‘What’s Next for Europe?’

      President Karen Donfried speaks with DW on ‘What’s Next for Europe?’

      German Marshall Fund of the United States President Karen Donfried looks at transatlantic ties in the wake of the Greece and migration crisis and on-going unrest in Ukraine. Featured image: Source publication: Deutsche WelleLink: Read the full articleResearch and analysis for: Germany’s European, Foreign, and Security PolicyEuropean...

      Reviewing the European Neighbourhood Policy: Eastern Perspectives

      Reviewing the European Neighbourhood Policy: Eastern Perspectives

      The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) is in tatters. When launching this regional framework for its neighbors in 2004, the EU stated that its ambition was to surround itself with a “ring of friends,” a zone of well-governed, stable, and prosperous states, with whom the EU has close and cooperative ties. Little over a decade later, instead,...

      European Energy Security Should Remain a U.S. Priority

      European Energy Security Should Remain a U.S. Priority

      WASHINGTON—Why does the United States care so much about Europe’s energy security? This question comes up regularly on both sides of the Atlantic, at times with a feeling that U.S. policymakers worry more about energy security in Europe than even the Europeans do. The standard Washington response is that the United States and Europe share a...