Tuesday, 18 March 2025
    01: 35:43in Kyiv (EET)

Section: The German Marshall Fund of the United States (USA)

      Time for Trump to Stand Up to Putin after the Sea of Azov Attack

      Time for Trump to Stand Up to Putin after the Sea of Azov Attack

      Transatlantic TakeRussia’s attack on Ukrainian naval vessels in the Azov Sea on Sunday was not only a serious military provocation but also a renewed violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and international law. It also impacts the security interests of the United States, the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization...

      Azov Sea – EU Calls for De-Escalation

      Azov Sea – EU Calls for De-Escalation

      Editor’s note: In an interview with Euronews, Bruno Lete discusses the European Union’s call for de-escalation in the Kerch strait. The European Union has called for de-escalation in the Kerch strait. On Sunday Russian naval ships attacked Ukrainian ones accusing them of illegally entering Russian territorial waters. The president of...

      EU-NATO Coordination in Crisis Management: From Complementarity to Synergies

      EU-NATO Coordination in Crisis Management: From Complementarity to Synergies

      The EU and NATO, with 22 common members, are going through halcyon years of cooperation in addressing global challenges and managing crises. From joint declarations on strategic partnership in 2016 and 2018 through mutual invitations to summits and other high-level meetings to 74 projects across seven policy areas, they are coordinating their...

      From Complementarity to Synergies in EU-NATO Relations

      From Complementarity to Synergies in EU-NATO Relations

      The EU and NATO, with 22 joint members, are going through halcyon years of cooperation. From joint declarations on strategic partnership in 2016 and 2018 through mutual invitations to summits and other high-level meetings to 74 projects across seven policy areas, they are coordinating their efforts more than ever. Recent controversies around...

      A View from the Digital Trenches – Lessons from Year One of Hamilton 68

      A View from the Digital Trenches – Lessons from Year One of Hamilton 68

      Summary The Russian government’s active measures campaign during the 2016 U.S. presidential election was a watershed moment in the study of modern information operations. Revelations that the Kremlin had purchased divisive political ads on social media platforms, leaked private campaign e-mails, established social media groups to organize...

      Could An Oligarch Build a Democracy in Moldova?

      Could An Oligarch Build a Democracy in Moldova?

      Oligarchs rule Eastern Europe. Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine are governed by pro-European governments, but have one oligarch (or more, in the case of Ukraine) calling the shots from behind the scenes. In my country, Moldova, we see how pro-European rhetoric is offered in words but not reflected in deeds, and how empty speeches and promises only...

      Latvian Banking: Recent Reforms, Sustainable Solutions

      Latvian Banking: Recent Reforms, Sustainable Solutions

      Photo Credit: Meunierd / Shutterstock Introduction Latvia’s non-resident banking sector, which caters to clients from Russia and other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), has finally become politically untenable. After years of scandals and massive illicit flows through Latvia, the government has concluded that the...

      Russia’s Active Measures Architecture: Task and Purpose

      Russia’s Active Measures Architecture: Task and Purpose

      Russia’s latest iteration of the Soviet-era tactic of “active measures” has mesmerized Western audiences and become the topic de jour for national security analysts. In my last post, I focused on the Kremlin’s campaign to influence the U.S. elections from 2014 to 2016 through the integration of offensive cyber hacking, overt...

      Democracy en Marche! — From Macron to Kyiv

      Democracy en Marche! — From Macron to Kyiv

      Two weeks ago, French President Emmanuel Macron (MMF ‘06) stood before the U.S. Congress and defended democratic values at a key juncture in transatlantic relations, calling for a return to a partnership based on shared values of liberty, equality, and human rights. Just a few days earlier, 80 GMF alumni and grantees gathered on the frontier of...

      Commissioner Johannes Hahn on the Prospects of EU Integration

      Commissioner Johannes Hahn on the Prospects of EU Integration

      On April 20 the German Marshall Fund in Washington hosted Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for EU Enlargements Negotiations and EU Neighbourhood, for a discussion focused on the EU’s relations with its neighbors in the Western Balkans, Turkey, Ukraine, Eastern Europe, and the Caucasus and on the process of reforms and the prospects of greater...