Researches about Ukraine

Press about Ukraine in Europe. JUN 16, 2015

Press about Ukraine in Europe

Read more in Press about Ukraine in Europe:


The Telegraph (The United Kingdom) : Donetsk residents hold rare anti-war protest criticising Ukraine rebels

EUobserver (EU) : [Ticker] Putin urges Finland to improve trade ties

BelTA (Belarus) : Few positive steps during talks on Ukraine in Minsk

BelTA (Belarus) : Heidi Tagliavini’s mandate as OSCE’s special representative in contact group on Ukraine over

BelTA (Belarus) : Constructive work of all subgroups on Ukraine in Minsk praised

BelTA (Belarus) : All subgroups on Ukraine to meet in Minsk next week

Radio Bulgaria (Bulgaria) : Political dialogue between Bulgaria and UK continues

BelTA (Belarus) : Makei meets with Ukraine and OSCE’s representatives in contact group on Ukraine

ERR (Estonia) : ERR near Luhansk: artillery fire now common

Radio France internationale (France) : INTERNATIONAL REPORT: Fighting in Donetsk series part 2/3

Radio France internationale (France) : INTERNATIONAL REPORT: Fighting in Donetsk series part 1/3

BelTA (Belarus) : Makei, Kulmukhametov discuss technical issues related to contact group on Ukraine

Charter97 (Belarus) : Meetings of three subgroups on Donbas begin in Minsk

Agerpres (Romania) : INTERVIEW David Rodski (FBI) regarding fight against terrorism: We are constantly getting better

BelTA (Belarus) : Three working groups on Ukraine resume talks in Minsk

euro|topics (EU) : Old Nato members leave new ones in the lurch | Sme – Slovakia

NL Times (The Netherlands) : Dutch police in Ukraine looking for MH17 suspects, witnesses

BelTA (Belarus) : Lukashenko in favor of stronger OSCE role in view of Ukrainian crisis

Daily Mail (The United Kingdom) : Ukrainian female sniper reveals how she transformed to pro-Russian executioner

New Statesman (The United Kingdom) : In Kiev, after the revolution, what do ordinary Ukrainians really think?

Radio France internationale (France) : INTERNATIONAL REPORT: Fighting in Donetsk series part 2

Radio France internationale (France) : INTERNATIONAL REPORT: Fighting in Donetsk series part 1

Novinite (Bulgaria) : US Plans on Weapons in Eastern Europe ‘at Early Stage’

Reuters (The United Kingdom) : Two Ukrainian servicemen killed in east Ukraine: regional chief

Euronews (France) : Donetsk residents stage rare protest against rebel authority in Ukraine

European Voice (EU) : EU naval mission nears launch

European Voice (EU) : Putin’s best EU friends


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