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Press about Ukraine in Europe. JUN 4, 2015

Read more in Press about Ukraine in Europe:


The Times (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine faces ‘huge threat’ from Russia

Deutsche Welle (Germany) : Steinmeier warns against ‘military escalation’ in eastern Ukraine

Albanian Telegraphic Agency (Albania) : Tirana/ SEDM deputy chiefs of Defence meeting

InSerbia (Serbia) : Dacic, Steinmeier discuss crisis in Ukraine

The Telegraph (The United Kingdom) : Revealed: how Ukraine conflict has claimed 6,400 lives

European Voice (EU) : US-German relations need a reboot

The Irish Times (Ireland) : Nato criticises Russia amid upsurge in Ukraine conflict

Reuters (The United Kingdom) : Obama to press EU on Russia sanctions, meet Abadi at G7 (Croatia) : Ukraine’s parliament allows for UN peacekeepers in conflict zone

Reuters (The United Kingdom) : Pentagon chief gathers diplomats, brass for Russia strategy talk

BelTA (Belarus) : Makei: Differentiation within Eastern Partnership can ruin the initiative

Metro (The United Kingdom) : Baby twins survive after drunk driver smashes into their buggy

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Amateur footage of rebels firing on Ukrainian military – video

BelTA (Belarus) : Minsk vows to promptly organize any meeting on Ukraine if necessary

The Economist (The United Kingdom) : Misha’s moment

EUobserver (EU) : [Ticker] EU says pro-Russian forces on the move in Ukraine

The Telegraph (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine’s president warns army to be ready to repel ‘full scale’ Russian invasion

Euronews (France) : At least 24 dead in 24 hours: EU condemns ‘most serious violation’ of Ukraine truce

The Local (Germany) : Germany slams ‘serious violations’ in Ukraine

Charter97 (Belarus) : Poroshenko: Huge threat of renewed large-scale militant offensive

Charter97 (Belarus) : Another explosion hits Odesa railway

InSerbia (Serbia) : Ukraine’s Right Sector Announces Mobilization

The Independent (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine prepares for ‘full-scale Russian invasion along entire border’ as violence flares (Croatia) : Ukraine military says 80 rebel fighters killed in routed attack

Sky News (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine: 24 Die In Worst Clashes Since Truce

France 24 (France) : Ukraine’s Poroshenko warns of ‘full-scale’ Russian invasion

Protothema (Greece) : Poroshenko warns of Russian invasion as “hybrid war” continues

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Escalation of fighting in east Ukraine leaves ceasefire in tatters (Croatia) : OSCE: Pro-Russian rebels moved heavy artillery to Ukraine front

B92 (Serbia) : Kiev timed attacks ahead of upcoming EU summit – Kremlin

Deutsche Welle (Germany) : All sides on edge as fighting intensifies in Ukraine

Daily Mail (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine pushes back largest Russian attack in months

BBC (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine warns of Russian invasion

Euronews (France) : Ukraine conflict pushed Red Cross to its limit

The Local (Italy) : Pope to receive Putin on June 10th

euro|topics (EU) : MEPs have nothing to do | Les Echos – France

EUobserver (EU) : Russian forces try to capture Ukrainian town

EUobserver (EU) : [Ticker] Latvia elects first Green Party head of state in the EU

The Baltic Course (Latvia) : Development cooperation project competition concluded for neighboring countries in Latvia

Reuters (The United Kingdom) : Five Ukrainian servicemen killed in fighting with eastern separatists: presidential aide

The Telegraph (The United Kingdom) : West ‘must strengthen forces in face of Russia’

BBC (The United Kingdom) : VIDEO: Is Russia at risk of a ‘brain drain’?

Euronews (France) : Heavy fighting in eastern Ukraine despite ceasefire

BBC (The United Kingdom) : VIDEO: Donetsk fighting ‘heaviest in months’

France 24 (France) : Fighting flares in Ukraine as Kiev blames rebels



Read more in Press about Ukraine in Europe


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