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Press about Ukraine in US and Canada. MAY 12, 2015

Read more in Press about Ukraine in US & Canada:

The Atlantic (USA) Why Is John Kerry in Russia?

USA TODAY (USA) Where Kerry, Putin can find common ground (USA) Liberation of Medicine: Ronald Bailey’s Lecture in Moscow

ABC News (USA) Watch: Colleagues of Slain Putin Critic Boris Nemtsov Publish Ukraine Report

Time (USA) Kerry’s Russia Meetings Produce Little Evidence of Progress in Ukraine Crisis

National Newswatch (Canada) Nicholson keen to hear Kerry on his meeting with Putin in Russia

WAVE 3 News (USA) Scant progress evident as Kerry meets Russia’s Putin

Boston Herald (USA) Scant progress evident as Kerry meets Russia’s Putin

Newsweek (USA) Video: U.S. Soldiers Train Ukraine Troops

iPolitics (Canada) Canada sticks to its tune on Russia despite Kerry diplomacy

Bloomberg (USA) Gaming the Ukraine Crisis

The Huffington Post (USA) Securing Europe’s Future Is About Securing Our Own Future

Canada Free Press (Canada) Latest Military News

The Huffington Post (USA) Stunning Photographs Show Crimea’s Beauty In Every Season

The Huffington Post (USA) John Kerry Meets Putin To Gauge Flexibility On Ukraine, Syria

International Business Times (USA) Boris Nemtsov’s Final Report Unveils Russia’s Involvement In East Ukraine War And Pain Back Home

Foreign Policy (USA) Could Potato Diplomacy Warm Ties Between Russia and the United States?

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (USA) Key Allegations Of Nemtsov War Report

Voice of America (USA) ‘What Does Moscow Want?’ Asks Georgian President

Business Insider (USA) A former congressman mistakenly blamed Islam when he couldn’t buy booze at Walmart

The American Interest (USA) Georgian President: Russia is Alien To Us

United Press International (USA) Nemstov allies’ report cites Russian involvement in Ukraine

CNS News (USA) Russian opposition: 220 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine

USA TODAY (USA) Kerry and Putin discuss Ukraine in Russia

Townhall (USA) Focus on Islamic State and Libya as NATO foreign ministers meet

Newsweek (USA) Kerry Meets Putin to Gauge Russia’s Flexibility on Ukraine Involvement, Syria President

Voice of America (USA) Kerry in Russia Meeting Putin, Lavrov

The Epoch Times (USA) Russian Opposition: 220 Russian Soldiers Died in Ukraine

Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada and USA (Canada) Map of Ukraine (Photo)

Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada and USA (Canada) Map of Ukraine (Photo)

CNS News (USA) Kerry meets Russia’s Putin amid Ukraine, Syria tensions

CNS News (USA) Kerry meets Russia’s Putin amid Ukraine, Syria tensions

International Business Times (USA) Russia Could Join European Union Within 20 Years Despite Current Tension, Czech President Says

WAVE 3 News (USA) Kerry meets Russia’s Putin amid Ukraine, Syria tensions

Boston Herald (USA) Kerry meets Russia’s Putin amid Ukraine, Syria tensions

United Press International (USA) Kerry visits Russia, will meet with Putin

International Business Times (USA) To Defeat Rebels, Ukraine Military Might Allow Foreigners To Join Armed Forces

New York Daily News (USA) Kerry to meet Russia’s Putin amid Ukraine, Syria tensions

CTV (Canada) Kremlin critics’ report claims Russia deeply embroiled in Ukraine conflict

ABC News (USA) New Ukraine Report Blames Russia for Stoking Conflict

Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada and USA (Canada) Ukraine Conflict: Will The Ceasefire Hold?

San Francisco Chronicle (USA) Russian opposition: 220 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine

San Francisco Chronicle (USA) Russian opposition: 220 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine

Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada and USA (Canada) Western Military Alliance Expels Dozens of Suspected Russian Spies from NATO Headquarters

Townhall (USA) “What does Moscow want?” asks Georgian president

Time (USA) Kerry Arrives in Russia for Putin Talks Amid Ukraine, Syria Tensions

Business Insider (USA) Report by murdered politician estimates Russians lost over $54 billion since Crimea’s annexation

The Huffington Post (USA) Nemtsov Report Alleges Russia Spent Over A Billion Dollars Sending Fighters To Ukraine

The Epoch Times (USA) Kerry to Meet Russia’s Putin Amid Ukraine, Syria Tensions

New York Daily News (USA) Boris Nemtsov report: 220 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine

Voice of America (USA) Report Questions Russia’s Ukraine Narrative

U.S. News (USA) Foreigners could be allowed to serve in Ukrainian army

Boston Herald (USA) Kerry to meet Russia’s Putin amid Ukraine, Syria tensions

Boston Herald (USA) Foreigners could be allowed to serve in Ukrainian army

FOX News (USA) Ukraine’s parliament gives early approval to bill letting foreigners serve in Ukraine’s army

Canada Free Press (Canada) Former Pentagon Official: U.S. Subsidizing Russia’s Nuclear Weapons Buildup

ABC News (USA) Foreigners Could Be Allowed to Serve in Ukrainian Army

Townhall (USA) Foreigners could be allowed to serve in Ukrainian army

San Francisco Chronicle (USA) Foreigners could be allowed to serve in Ukrainian army

ABC News (USA) Polish Lawmakers Get Military Training for ‘Troubled Times’

FOX News (USA) Polish lawmakers engage in military training due to ‘troubled times’ in neighboring Ukraine

Associated Press (USA) Foreigners could be allowed to serve in Ukrainian army

Voice of America (USA) Nemtsov Report: 220 Russian Soldiers Died in Ukraine Battles

CBS (USA) Kerry to meet with Putin on Syria and Ukraine

The Huffington Post (USA) Nadiya Savchenko’s Letters from Prison, Part 2

Foreign Policy (USA) Situation Report: Some Gulf allies roll into town; Iraq ground fire concerns; Special Ops to Japan; and more

Toronto Star (Canada) Kerry arrives in Russia to meet Putin amid strained relations over Ukraine

CBS (USA) Long-shot pitch to Russia for help in Syria peace deal

Newsweek (USA) U.K. Ranked as Best Place in Europe for LGBT Rights in Equality Index

CNS News (USA) Nemtsov report: 220 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine battles

Business Insider (USA) The last report of murdered Russian opposition politician claims Putin spent billions on mercenaries to fight in Ukraine

CTV (Canada) 220 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine battles: Nemtsov report

NewsmaxWorld (USA) Kerry to Meet With Putin Amid Ukraine, Syria Tensions

NewsmaxWorld (USA) Murdered Dissident’s Last Work: 220 Russian Soldiers Killed in Ukraine

U.S. News (USA) Nemtsov report: 220 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine battles

ABC News (USA) Nemtsov Report: 220 Russian Soldiers Died in Ukraine Battles

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (USA) Nemtsov Report Says More Than 200 Russian Soldiers Killed In Ukraine War

San Francisco Chronicle (USA) Nemtsov report: 220 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine battles

FOX News (USA) Nemtsov report: At least 220 Russian soldiers died in 2 battles in eastern Ukraine

Townhall (USA) Nemtsov report: 220 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine battles

The Bellingham Herald (USA) Kerry to meet Russia’s Putin amid Ukraine, Syria tensions

National Newswatch (Canada) Ukraine crisis: John Kerry to meet Putin in Russia

Townhall (USA) Scores of Russian soldiers killed in east Ukraine: opposition report

Mashable (USA) Slain politician’s damning report on Putin is published

Global TV (Canada) Kerry arrives in Russia to meet Putin amid Ukraine, Syria tensions

Business Insider (USA) Kerry arrives in Russia to push Putin on Ukraine crisis

CNS News (USA) Ukraine erases communist reminders as it tries to ditch past

CNS News (USA) Russia Slams ‘Unfriendly’ U.S. Ahead of Kerry Visit

CNS News (USA) Kerry to meet Russia’s Putin amid Ukraine, Syria tensions

U.S. News (USA) Kerry to meet Russia’s Putin amid Ukraine, Syria tensions

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (USA) Merkel’s Remark On ‘Criminal’ Annexation Omitted In Russian Translation

FOX News (USA) US Secretary of State Kerry arrives in Russia to meet Putin amid Ukraine, Syria tensions

Townhall (USA) Kerry to explore Putin’s flexibility on Ukraine, Syria

Townhall (USA) Kerry to meet Russia’s Putin amid Ukraine, Syria tensions

ABC News (USA) Kerry to Meet Russia’s Putin Amid Ukraine, Syria Tensions

ABC News (USA) US Secretary of State Kerry Arrives in Russia to Meet Putin Amid Ukraine, Syria Tensions

Townhall (USA) US Secretary of State Kerry arrives in Russia to meet Putin amid Ukraine, Syria tensions

The Globe and Mail (Canada) Kerry will meet with Putin in Russia in first visit since Ukraine crisis

The Bellingham Herald (USA) Hammer and sick of it: Ukraine tries to ditch communist past

CNS News (USA) Hammer and Sick of It: Ukraine tries to ditch communist past

U.S. News (USA) Hammer and Sick of It: Ukraine tries to ditch communist past

FOX News (USA) Hammer and Sick of It: Ukraine relies on heavy-handed laws to forget its communist past

San Francisco Chronicle (USA) Hammer and Sick of It: Ukraine tries to ditch communist past

ABC News (USA) Hammer and Sick of It: Ukraine Tries to Ditch Communist Past

Townhall (USA) Hammer and Sick of It: Ukraine tries to ditch communist past

Associated Press (USA) Hammer and Sick of It: Ukraine tries to ditch communist past

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (USA) Ukraine, Syria Expected To Be Topics Of Kerry-Putin Meeting

AlterNet (USA) Noam Chomsky: The Middle East Is on Fire, Thanks to U.S.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (USA) Kerry heads to Russia for first Putin meeting in two years

The Washington Times (USA) Ukraine wineries struggle amid standoff with Russia over Crimean Peninsula

iPolitics (Canada) Vladimir Putin’s imaginary wars

The Washington Times (USA) John Kerry to push Vladimir Putin for help in Syria

Voice of America (USA) Syria, Iran and Ukraine Top Agenda for Kerry’s Russian Meetings

San Francisco Chronicle (USA) Kerry meeting Putin to confer on conflicts in Ukraine and Syria

The Huffington Post (USA) How Putin Used VE Day to Equate the Victory Over Fascism With the Fight in Ukraine

AlterNet (USA) Noam Chomsky: We Caused the Chaos in the Middle East

Read more in Press about Ukraine in US & Canada


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