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Weekly Report: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine 2.01.– 8.01.2017

Coalition For Defense (The Netherlands) : Putin’s Real Long Game – 6 January 2017, 19:17

CXSSR : Year in Review: 2016, the Year of Unmarked Change – 6 January 2017, 18:17

EurActiv.com (EU) : Naftogaz official: The EU should not worry about another gas crisis – 6 January 2017, 17:32

Victims of Communism (USA) : January 6th, 2017 – 6 January 2017, 16:47

Harvard International Review (USA) : Adapting to the Evolving Strategic Environment – Applying the Lessons of the Global War on Terror to Future Threats – 6 January 2017, 15:02

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : USA Today Parrots Kremlin Propaganda on Crimea – 6 January 2017, 13:32

World Affairs Journal (USA) : Ukrainian Officials Declare Personal Wealth in Transparency Milestone – 6 January 2017, 12:48

The American Center for a European Ukraine (USA) : The EU Is Thinking About Pre-Trump Sanctions on Russia – 6 January 2017, 12:48

Australian Institute of International Affairs (Australia) : European Security: Has Trump Reshuffled the Cards? – 5 January 2017, 22:32

Geopolitical Futures (USA) : Demographics and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – 5 January 2017, 22:32

Ron Paul Institute (USA) : The Coup Against Truth – 5 January 2017, 22:02

The Conversation (USA) : Why Russia, Turkey and Iran are natural allies – 5 January 2017, 19:17

World Affairs Journal (USA) : Ukraine’s Reforms To Reap Economic Reward in 2017 – 5 January 2017, 18:02

Cato Institute (USA) : What Trump Should Understand about China and North Korea – 5 January 2017, 16:33

Victims of Communism (USA) : January 5th, 2017 – 5 January 2017, 16:33

Intersection (EU) : Do the Russians want a hybrid war in the Balkans? – 5 January 2017, 16:17

Transitions Online (EU) : Ukraine Mulls Banning Marine Le Pen – 5 January 2017, 16:02

EurActiv.com (EU) : Ukraine moves to blacklist Le Pen over Crimea comments – 5 January 2017, 10:47

The Conversation (USA) : Terrorism, the far-right and Russian meddling: the biggest threats to Europe in 2017 – 5 January 2017, 09:32

Razumkov Centre (Ukraine) : 24 листопада 2016р. Центр Разумкова провів Фахову дискусію “Україна і політика протидії зміні клімату: економічний аспект” – 4 January 2017, 21:47

Hoover Institution (USA) : Obama’s Response To Russia Necessary, Given Trump’s ‘Dismissive’ Behavior, Former US Ambassador Michael McFaul Says – 4 January 2017, 20:47

International Institute for Strategic Studies (UK) : Everyone loses – 4 January 2017, 18:48

Transitions Online (EU) : Tatarstan Balks at Moscow’s Austerity Measures – 4 January 2017, 17:32

Cato Institute (USA) : Newsflash: Russia Is Not the Soviet Union – 4 January 2017, 16:32

Center on Global Interests (USA) : Ukraine Moves to Blacklist Le Pen Over Crimea Comments – 4 January 2017, 16:17

Transitions Online (EU) : Russian, Georgian Designers Shake Up Fashion World – 4 January 2017, 16:02

EurActiv.com (EU) : Austria kicks off chairing of OSCE with Ukraine visit – 4 January 2017, 16:02

Victims of Communism (USA) : January 4th, 2017 – 4 January 2017, 16:02

Royal United Services Institute (UK) : Beyond the UN Peacekeeping Defence Ministerial: The Future of the UK’s Re-engagement in UN Peace Operations – 4 January 2017, 14:47

EurActiv.com (EU) : Russian envoy warns of looming gas crisis for EU – 4 January 2017, 07:02

Kleptocracy Initiative (USA) : Kleptocracy Daily: January 3, 2017 – 3 January 2017, 19:47

Transitions Online (EU) : An Empire Divided by a Common Language – 3 January 2017, 18:47

The Conversation (USA) : How the UN’s new secretary general can help the world’s most vulnerable – 3 January 2017, 18:02

Cato Institute (USA) : McCain Easily Shocked by Alleged Russian Meddling – 3 January 2017, 16:33

Victims of Communism (USA) : January 3rd, 2017 – 3 January 2017, 16:17

Harvard International Review (USA) : Russia and the West: Russia’s Recent Assertiveness, Western Response, and What the Future May Hold – 3 January 2017, 15:02

RAND (USA) : No Quick Fix with Russia – 3 January 2017, 07:17

The Conversation (USA) : Will Obama’s offshore drilling ban be Trumped? – 3 January 2017, 04:02

Transitions Online (EU) : Russian Doping Whistleblower Polarizes Opinions – 2 January 2017, 18:17

Transitions Online (EU) : The 2016 Russian Words of the Year, Explained – 2 January 2017, 13:32

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Russian Sova Centre forcibly added to ‘foreign agent’ list for criticizing authorities – 2 January 2017, 01:17

Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (Ukraine) : Crimean Tatar leader added to Russian List of ‘Terrorists & Extremists’ for Opposing Annexation – 2 January 2017, 01:17

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