Researches about Ukraine

WEEKLY: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine. NOV 09-NOV 15, 2015

UaPosition think tank

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : The EU-Azerbaijan Relationship: Current Status and Future Outlook

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Islamic State Apparently Wins Its Competition With Caucasus Emirate

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Putin and Lavrov Again Play the Ethnic Compatriot Card

Center on Global Interests (USA) : A Bleak Future In Eastern Ukraine’s Frozen Zone

World Affairs Journal (USA) : ANALYSIS. Is Ukraine’s Ceasefire in Trouble?

Human Rights Watch (USA) : 2015-11-eca-krasnohorivka-rus

Transitions Online (TOL) : Ukraine Recognizes ‘Genocide’ of Crimean Tatars

Transitions Online (TOL) : The Resurrection of Vaclav Klaus

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Ukraine’s Naftohaz to Sue Russia Over Crimean Assets

World Affairs Journal (USA) : OPINION. Ukraine and Russia: Can We Ever be Brothers Again?

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (USA) : Roots of Russia’s War in Ukraine

Foreign Policy Initiative (USA) : FPI Resources on the Growing Crisis between Ukraine and Russia

Center on Global Interests (USA) : Ukraine Passes Anti-Discrimination Law

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (USA) : The EU leads boldly on Israeli-Palestinian peace

Transitions Online (TOL) : Eastern Ukraine Situation Worsening, Kyiv Says

Ron Paul Institute (USA) : How Ukraine’s Finance Chief Got Rich

Lowy Institute for International Policy (Australia) : Seeing red over Chinese metal exports

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (USA) : Britain and the Spectre of Geopolitical Irrelevance

World Affairs Journal (USA) : Ukraine, Separatists Report Rise in Eastern Fighting

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Belarus and Published Opinion-Making

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Normandy Group Micromanaging Fake ‘Election’ Preparations in Donetsk-Luhansk

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Kabardino-Balkarian Experts Say Sources of Instability in Republic Are Unchanged

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Belgrade, Moscow Deepen Relations as EU Offers Serbia Further European Integration

World Affairs Journal (USA) : Fighting Erupts as Ukraine Tells Troops to Prepare for War

Atlantic Council (USA) : Will Saakashvili’s Defeat in Odesa Be His Ukrainian Waterloo?

Acton Institute (USA) : Religion & Liberty: Kitchen Redemption

The Conversation (USA) : Under the sea: Russia, China and American control of the waterways

Atlantic Council (USA) : A Close (and Surprisingly Positive) Encounter with Odesa’s New Police

Human Rights Watch (USA) : 2015-11-eca-krasnohorivka

Human Rights Watch (USA) : The last school bell in Krasnohorivka

Atlantic Council (USA) : Failing on the Ukrainian Battlefield, Russia Turns to Terrorism

Transitions Online (TOL) : Reuters Outs Putin’s Daughter

Transitions Online (TOL) : Russian Artist Fights FSB With Fire

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Minsk Armistice Implementation in Ukraine Officially Postponed

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Russia’s Operation in Syria: Concealing Mission Creep

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (USA) : Fortress Europe is the biggest threat to Ukraine’s future

Atlantic Council (USA) : Judiciary Reforms Take a Major Step Forward in Ukraine

Atlantic Council (USA) : Expert Panel Identifies Ways to Defeat Corruption in Ukraine

International Relations and Security Network (Switzerland) : Back to the Future? Russia’s Hybrid Warfare, Revolutions in Military Affairs, and Cold War Comparisons

International Relations and Security Network (Switzerland) : The Impact of Sanctions against Russia

Transitions Online (TOL) : Romanian President Rejects Moldova Loan

Transitions Online (TOL) : Russia Charges Suspected Mastermind of Nemtsov Murder

Razumkov Centre (Ukraine) : Participation in program “Georgia/South Caucasus between the European Union, eastern partners and the Eurasian Economic Union”

Razumkov Centre (Ukraine) : Security sector of Ukraine is largely disordered and unworkable

Transitions Online (TOL) : Moldovan Justice: Fast and Furious

Center on Global Interests (USA) : Ukraine: Cyberwar’s Hottest Front

Transitions Online (TOL) : Sports Anti-Doping Body Calls for Russia’s Suspension

International Relations and Security Network (Switzerland) : Zakarpattia-Together, But Separated

International Relations and Security Network (Switzerland) : Border and Migration Management in the East: The Cases of Norway and Poland

Razumkov Centre (Ukraine) : SIPRI Yearbook 2014 launch

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Russian Analysts Call Ukrainian Involvement in the North Caucasus ‘Futile,’ but Gear up to Counter It

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Cooptation and Repression: The Kremlin’s Approach Russian Nationalists

World Affairs Journal (USA) : Ukraine Military Reports Surge in Fighting

Atlantic Council (USA) : Ukraine Needs Responsible Public Finances Now

Center on Global Interests (USA) : Ukraine Sees First Direct Combat In Two Months Before EU Meeting

Atlantic Council (USA) : Justice Sector Is Central Battlefield in Struggle Between Old Ukraine and New Ukraine

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (USA) : Putin’s Aviation Nightmare

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (USA) : Governments have gone to war on Internet freedom

Transitions Online (TOL) : Belarus Plans Currency Redenomination

Transitions Online (TOL) : Russian Orthodox Church Launching Free Wi-Fi Service

Transitions Online (TOL) : Baltics Tallying Cost of Soviet Occupation

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