Researches about Ukraine

WEEKLY: Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine. SEP 07-13, 2015

Research Organizations & Think Tanks about Ukraine

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (USA) : The Refugee Crisis: Perspectives from Across Europe and the Atlantic

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Belarusian Stability in Peril

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (USA) : Back to the drawing board

Atlantic Council (USA) : Memo to GOP Presidential Candidates: Bust Three Myths About Ukraine

Canadian International Council (Canada) : Leadership labels: No, Harper is not a neo-con

Brookings (USA) : How Russia and America make the same mistakes in Syria

Transitions Online (TOL) : Foreign Media Companies Selling Up, Quitting Russia

Center on Global Interests (USA) : Ukraine’s Poroshenko Says No Peace Without Russian Troop Pullout

Transitions Online (TOL) : Russian Jailed for Painting Ukraine’s Colors on Moscow Skyscraper

Gatestone Institute (USA) : First Anti-EU Referendum Being Forced by Dutch Citizens

German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Germany) : [Translate to English:] Regionale Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in der Arktis- und Ostseeregion

Institute of Modern Russia (USA) : Does Anyone Want Ukraine’s Donbass?

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : A Theme Exaggerated: The Muslim Battalion in Ukraine

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Nord Stream Expansion Agreed, Wintershall Swapped to Gazprom (Part One)

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Moscow Ups the Stakes in the Syrian Conflict

Atlantic Community (Germany) : How Should the West Respond to Ukraine’s NATO Bid?

Transitions Online (TOL) : Belarus Opposition Leader Mikhalevich Returns From Self-Exile

Transitions Online (TOL) : Russian Fighters Supporting Syrian Troops, say Reuters Sources

Transitions Online (TOL) : Russian military supporting Syrian troops, say Reuters sources

Canadian International Council (Canada) : Assessing Canada’s Global Engagement Gap

Institute for the Study of War (USA) : Ukraine Crisis Update: September 9, 2015

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (USA) : From Chechnya to Ukraine: Biopolitical Patriotism in Times of War

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (USA) : Europe returns to the 1930s

Council on Foreign Relations (USA) : European Agenda on Migration

Council on Foreign Relations (USA) : Remarks by European Commission President Juncker on the State of the Union

Transitions Online (TOL) : Groans, Guffaws as Yatsenyuk Accused of Killing Russians

Transitions Online (TOL) : Homo Ex-Sovieticus Faces Future With a Frown

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (USA) : Rolling out the red carpet won’t make China play nice

Center on Global Interests (USA) : Ukraine: International Court’s Jurisdiction Is Accepted

European Council on Foreign Relations (UK) : Ukraine’s hot political autumn

Transitions Online (TOL) : Bulgaria Bans Russian Supply Flights to Syria

Chatham House (UK) : Trouble on Europe’s Periphery

Chatham House (UK) : Trouble on Europe’s Periphery

Chatham House (UK) : Putin’s Communications Difficulties Reflect Serious Policy Problem

Chatham House (UK) : Putin’s Communications Difficulties Reflect Serious Policy Problem

Chatham House (UK) : The Political Landscape in Russia One Year After Crimea

Chatham House (UK) : Ukraine: Situation Report and Needs Assessment

Chatham House (UK) : Troubled Times: Stagnation, Sanctions and the Prospects for Economic Reform in Russia

Razumkov Centre (Ukraine) : The ceasefire in Donbas is unlikely to last long

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Poor Economic Outlook and Lack of Security Undermine Kabardino-Balkaria’s Governor

The Jamestown Foundation (USA) : Slavic Brotherhood 2015 Rehearses Anti–Color Revolution Operations

Atlantic Council (USA) : Reforms Will Succeed, But They Alone Won’t Save Ukraine

Atlantic Council (USA) : Russia from Ukraine to Syria: Helping the Cat Down the Tree

Atlantic Council (USA) : Kremlin Uses Minsk Protocol to Undermine Ukraine Government

Canadian International Council (Canada) : Refugee Crisis: Are those most responsible the least affected?

Center on Global Interests (USA) : UN: At Least 7,962 People Killed In Ukraine Conflict

Center on Global Interests (USA) : ICC Gets Wider Scope to Probe Possible War Crimes in Ukraine

Transitions Online (TOL) : Aid Promised for Sanctions-Hit EU Farmers

Transitions Online (TOL) : Moldovans Demand Change

Transitions Online (TOL) : Putin Brings No Bacon Home From Beijing

Lowy Institute for International Policy (Australia) : Why Park Geun Hye attended China’s World War Two military parade

Ron Paul Institute (USA) : Color Revolution 2.0 in Lebanon: From Piles of Trash to Piles of Rubble

Lowy Institute for International Policy (Australia) : Park Geun Hye was the only democratic leader to attend China’s military parade – and that’s ok

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