Wednesday, 26 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Terms & conditions

Any content from is published in accordance with this terms and conditions:



  • For any article, we do not display more text than is provided in the RSS feed.
  • In case when RSS feed sources have full original article we excerpt only first 100 words (about 500 characters)
  • All excerpts link directly to the source article on the source website.
  • We don’t use excerpts content to make any profit or in commercial use. We guarantee not to display advertisement or commercial information on the pages with source’s content and  in the at all.
  • All text from the source we display in the manner in which is provided. We don’t edit, translate, or reformat the content that is provided. We retain all links to the original source article.
  • We ensure that all excerpts link directly to source website, and we don’t insert interstitial, splash, intermediate pages or any other content or advertising in connection with RSS feed, or between any display of  RSS feed and website.
  • We do not use photos, images or any other graphic content from sources.
  • We retain in original form the attribution and by-line provided in the RSS feed, and prominently credit Source in connection with each RSS excerpt that is published.
  • We do not aggregate or otherwise use articles and/or excerpts from RSS feed in a manner that could reasonably serve as a substitute for the original content or could otherwise diminish the value of the content of source.
  • We not simply aggregate the RSS feeds of all source articles we separate and choose only articles about Ukraine and Ukrainians.
  • We not strip advertising from RSS feeds, nor serve own advertising within or against RSS feeds.
  • We not sell, lease, sublicense, redistribute or otherwise monetize content from website-sources.
  • We promptly remove RSS feeds upon request.
  • We not display the name, logo, trademark or other identifier of another person or entity in connection with name or content of source in a manner that could reasonably indicate that such other person or entity is affiliated with source.
  • We not display any source’s content on any website or in any other way that could reasonably damage the brand or reputation of Source. For instance, we do not publish source’s content on or in connection with any website that infringes upon or violates the copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights of any person; is libelous or defamatory; is obscene, pornographic, or sexually explicit; violates a person’s right to privacy; violates any local, state, national, or international law; contains or advocates illegal or violent acts; degrades others on the basis of gender, race, class, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or other classification; or is predatory, hateful, or intended to intimidate or harass.

Logotypes, symbolics and other branded elements

  • All logotypes, symbolics and other branded elements are the property of the appropriate media. They are used only to illustrate the appropriate media’s specific excerpts of articles and in any way can not be used for third party materials unrelated to the certain publication.
  •  All design elements, photos and other materials that were used for media design were made by UaPosition and in any way were not approved by other media.
  •  All items except the logos and symbols, such as photos of buildings, panoramic images and others are the third party products. The origin of these materials is different, including both bought on photo stocks and distributed under the open source licenses. We can not guarantee that the source, where designers found a particular item did not distort the author’s information or license under which this item was distributed. Therefore, if you own any of the items and you did not give permission for its use by third parties, or if you believe your copyright has been infringed otherwise – immediately write to
  • We definitely apologize for any inconvenience we may cause by improper use of your copyright works and commit to rectify the situation as soon as possible.