Friday, 14 March 2025
    : :inin Kyiv (EET)

Germany’s Approach to ENP

BERLIN—Germany was never a champion of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and has traditionally been more engaged with Eastern Europe than the Southern Mediterranean. For historical, geopolitical and economic reasons, Germany was a strong supporter of EU enlargement toward Central and Eastern Europe, but its engagement with a coherent EU policy toward the Eastern neighbors of the European Union after 2004 remained limited. Beyond the ENP Plus initiative of 2006, which was designed to strengthen the policy but remained of marginal consequence, it backed Poland and Sweden’s Eastern Partnership proposal in 2009, while maintaining its preference for bilateral trade and …read more

Source: The German Marshall Fund of the United States

Researches about Ukraine

This website is created to observe information about Ukraine in the world think tansk and research institutes.
More information about project you can read here

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